dating sites and stuff

Sep 17, 2008 22:53

so i'm kinda stupid and bored and lame so i joined a dating site...really just out of boredom...and it seems to be going from making me really happy to making me feel like the unwanted ugly duckling...but that might be just because its kinda that time of the month...i dunno....anyway...i also have made some new online friends through Y!Gallery...they're pretty awesome....i think the reason why i'm recently turning towards online friends is because i dont really have any actual friends here anymore...i have people who i'm classroom friends with or dorm hall friends or "hey look we're both walking to class in different directions and we used to hang out last year time to wave" friends....but thats about it....i would leave here...but i love it so much.....uhhhhh yeah....thats all i can think of at the moment

internet, dating, life, friends

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