and the hitra man is back!!!!

Aug 14, 2004 17:19

yo yo yo!!!! im back!!!! i just felt like saying "hi"....or "hola" as the case may be..............i have a bit of concert to go to..........and i cant find my pants.....>__<""........i was having a nice little time with tano ((u can guess what i mean by that XP)) and now that its over i cant find my pants!!!!!!!..............i guess i'll have to go with the leather ones but i mean......i dont want to..........oh well................remember: if ur dancing and theres no music, and someone comes up to u and says "u psyco...why r u dancing when theres no music?! ur such a freak!". all u have to do is look at them with wide psyco man eyes and say "hello mr purple elephant man" trust me it works ^__^ and as i always say: AHM TOO SEKSI FOR MAH PANTS TOO SEKSI FOR MAH PANTS!!!!!((last part must be sung!!!!!!))
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