To my dearest teammate YILINALEONGGGGG and NGHUIYINGGGG i'm so glad to have met you guys when shooting in JC, you two made the whole journey much more bearable and imyvvvm!!!! :D i really hope we'll continue to stay as close throughout the years, and not slowly drift apart somehow :/ i'm very proud of you guys last night! yay hwachong shooting products are the bombzzz <3
dearest yilina, hope you had a happy twenteen this year. as katy perry sings, 'WE'LL BE YOUNG FOREVER!" so yes please keep a young heart even though you're one of the first to step into the big 2-0 :) iloveyouyilina!!!! most importantly stay happy and strong no matter what happens haha i'll be there to cheer you up!! :D
i know you'll read when you're back from sentosa haha i'll be praying for bright bright sunshine later!!! :D