Full of happiness..

Apr 16, 2012 00:42

I want to post this yest. but I got home at 1am..lol..so yeah I only post it into my fb n twitter. XD

I order SHH and Kis-My-1st via YesAsia. The package need 2 weeks n 3 days to reach my home..hahaha. It's longer that usual.

Yesterday, I almost a whole day a way from home. When I get home, got into my room, yeah..I found the package on my desk! I open the SHH single first, wanna know whose poster I get. Doki doki XDD. I was say, taipi poster, taipi, please taipi..repeated. lol. AND..kyaaaaa~ XDDD I got it!! I've got Taipi mini poster!!! *full of happiness* 

This time I only buy RE SHH, RE Kis-My-1st, and SHH shop version. Now I'm waiting for the SHH shop version from my friend.


She said, she will send out my cd together with my kis-my-mint tour con goods next week. She willing to help me get the con goods, since she was in Tokyo that time..to watch Kabuki. XD I'm not ask her to get all the goods I want coz well..I don't want to bother her with my goods. So I just ask her the goods that easier for her to bring, and I will ask someone else to get the rest.

Oh, when open the package, I found that my kis-my-1st case is a lil bit crack. :/

Ugh..but oh well it wasn't a problem anymore after I get Taipi's poster. The pain was heal. lol.

Now off to bed.


-♥ fujigaya taisuke ♥-, album stuff : kis-my-ft2, cd single stuff : kis-my-ft2, personal : a fangirl life

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