Title: The Lonely Heart Killers [1/3]
Pairing: JongKey
Rating: R
Word Count: 2379
Genre: AU, romance
Summary: Kibum's a young actor working on his first main role.
“Want to try it out with me?” he breathes in a husky, deep voice and for a moment, Kibum forgets how to breath. )
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... JONGTAE? But... oh, shit, out of all things I could write for you... um.... D: and if I say that I only enjoyed Jjong's back in the performance, while I find the whole rest too... just, 'too', idk what word to use D: I'VE NEVER WRITTEN A JONGTAE FIC AND I DON'T KNOW IF THAT'S POSSIBLE FOR ME TO IMAGINE THEM GETTING IT ON TBQH
But... idk. Maybe I'll try? /sobs/ I think I need some wine first OTL x"DDD
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Trololol, that was my aim xDD I just needed some pointless and teasing JongKey in my life, you know? It's been a while since I last wrote some JongKey >< I'm too focused on my chaptered Onho/2Min... tho of course I couldn't resist and there'll be a ninja!JongKey in the new update otl
Idk, I just typed the '3' number without giving it too much thought, I actually don't know what's exactly going to happen, so... yeah x"D *scratch scratch* So I also dunno when I'll update xD Tho I think it'll be pretty soon, but before I gotta update that 2Min/Onho thing.
D'awwww <33
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I didn't read it xDD *can't read rated JongTae* ok, now I read some parts only, she has great skills, but JongTae... me can't. x"D
Hey, I thought that once you published that prompt table on your lj, you were going to write moar D: Gosh, I hope you'll write something soon... maybe try taking down notes on those plotbunnies so that later when you sit down to write you feel like you have some base?? Idk, I want to read something new from you >///
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