Title: Ashtray Heart [1/?]
Pairing: OnHo, 2Min
Rating: R
Word Count: 1609
Genre: angst, smut, slice of life
Summary: Minho cheated. And now he regrets it dearly.
Previous chapters:
“Minnie…” he mutters into the soft, blond hair and breaths in. Strawberries. God, it’s really him. )
My baby Taemin ;______________;
it's like torturing myself D'X i really really really love 2min and i don't want Minho to cheat on Taemin and break his heart like that (that's why i made Taemin cheated on him on my fic lol) BUT! I LOVE ONHO TOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT TO SEE MINHO WITH ONEW BUT DONT WANT TO SEE ONEW'S HEART GET BROKEN BY MINHO OTTOKE DDDD'X
anyway bb, i really really like the plot and your writings <3 <3 gosh i really look forward for the next and next and next and next and next chapters >__<
hwaiting love <3
I hope to update today/tomorrow :D Thank you so much for reading, Love! <3
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