Title: Worthy Of You [5/?]
Rating: R
Pairing: JongKey, side!OnHo
Genre: slice of life, angst, romance, drama, fluff
Word Count: 4178
Summary: both Kibum and Jonghyun, (known also as Bummie and Jjong) work hard to make themselves worthy the other one.
A/N: It’s the sequel for
Each Beat Reminds Me Of You PREVIOUS CHAPTERS: [
prologue] , [
1] , [
2] , [
3], [
“You’re everything” he muttered, his other hand catching another Kibum’s wrist, locking him in his grip. )
Gosh, I hope you'll soon be done with all this work... my school ends on Friday, so I'm pretty much lazing about, doing nothing... trying not to think about the finals, 'cause that'd bring so much stress x"D
I'm so glad you liked this chapter!! And, gosh, I'm the same with Taemin xDDD I've always had such mixed feelings for him, first I was head over heels for him, then I though 'ew, this kid, I won't ever put it in a fic even' then Immortal Song came and I was like HOLY SHIT, HE CAN SING, and now... um... yeah. He's messing with my bias list too, and he's not good for my pedo-noona reputation>< though he's always better than Jongup... or ZELO... Um...
I never wanted for Taemin to appear in this story, but now he got a really important role in it, so... he's here x"D
Thank you so much for being here bb, you always make me so happy ide ;~~~~; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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