Apr 28, 2007 00:42
Alright, ALRIGHT! You called it Blacksword! I didn't start on a regular update schedule! Happy now? You can go and be all like, "Yeah, I totally called it." And everyone else will be like, "Be quiet, we're trying to read the post!" That little bit aside, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. College has been pretty much all consuming. That, and I got realy lazy. Laziness aside, It's time once again for a recap! And lucky uoi, you get to sit through roughly 6 months of recap! And before I begin, you elected to start reading this post, so don't blame me when you start to feel hungry and pass out. Those who pass out will wake up without shoes and dignity. Now, then, time to get with it!
Well, the fall went by with very little out of the ordinary. A lot of sleeping, a bit of going to class, some destruction, a little framing other people. Meh, what'cha gonna do? I found out that I hate supposed 100-level Math courses with a passion. I swear, the class was called "Survey of Mathematical Ideas", but most of the ideas sounded like they shoud have been in an upper level major course! Chaos theory and non-Euclidian geometry were not exactly what was I looking forward to when I signed up for the class! I did have a few good classes, god-accursed math aside. I took a Communication and Media Law class, wich gave me just enough knowlege of copyright and fair use to get me in trouble, but not enough to get out of it. I had an Origins of the Earth class that confused the hell out of me. Apparently, the theories of gravity and relativity are false, at least according to my prof. Speaking of whom, he was a hoot to try and listen to in class. He was originally from Madagascar, and if you heard him talk, you'd know it. He had a very deep accent, which was amplified by the fact he had been educated in France. He was also one of the most soft-spoken profs I ever had. If you could hear him, you had a 25% chance of acutally understanding what he said. Meh, at least I passed... only after finding out that the class didn't count towards any of my graduation requirements! >_< GRAH! Anyhow, Last semester passed with very little in terms of events. I'm just glad I was able to get along with mostly B's especially considering that damned Math course *shakes fist at all things mathematical, then appologises to video games*. Oh, and will not have to worry about sharing space this coming fall. In early November, I regestered to be in one of the uper class dorms. The benefits? I get my own room (at a slight jump in cost, of course) and I don't have to play "Guess the Mess" whenever I go to the bathroom! The drawbacks? I have to room it with three toher people. But that's all well and good; the people I currently have lined up are cool, and I'm sure we'll be able to make it all work.
Anyhow, then we move to Winter break. Once again, I was able to spend a goodly bit of time with teh Nova. Not as much time as usual, though, becasue she now is fitfully employed and pulling down a paycheck! At least now she'll have some money to butn. Not in the literal sense, mind you, but at least she won't have to worry about being broke now! Speaking of employment and wanting to burn things, I had me a grand ole time trying to get work!. Now, you might be saying, "But Mav, I coulda sworn you had a job at the end of summer, and that you told them that you'd be able to work on break!" Well, y'know what? SO DID I! However, they might have forgotten to mention that after 90 days of inactivity, my emplyoment is terminated! THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN HELPFUL! Grrr.... anyway, for the first week I was back, I ran around and jumped through the hoops to get myself back in the books. While that was happening, I managed to net a few hours doing cashier work. Not as many as I would ahve gotten as shoe man, but at least I didn't lose my pay. Well, after the forms and the drug test (yes, I had to go wiz in the cup) came back, I was able to get back into my old niche and remember why I hated that job. Thankfully, I wasn't around long enough to really get in trouble, and I walked away with a bit more spending monies. Other than the little snafu with my work, Christmas went along rather well. I gots me hands on an iPod nano, officially breaking my dependency on the "ethical" MP3 player and giving me nearly double the memory. I also got *drumroll* TWILIGHT PRINCESS! We're talking about the game that I had money on for almost two years people! I finally got the game that had had fanboys drooling for the better part of a decade, and I played the bastard all the way through, dispite work. And I must say, it lived up to the hype. I was almost speechless with the beauty of some of the graphics and cutscenes. Really, I was speechless. I fear that Twilight Princess may have ousted Ocarina of Time for best game evar.
However, awesome games and sucky jobs aside, my time at home had to come to an end. I returned to the dorms and got ready for the Spring semester. I found out that my roomie got an Nintendo Wii (so no peeny jokes, you sick moo cows), and have since then abused the awesome. He had also gotten Twilight Princess (Wii version) for Christmas, but, as opposed to me, he had not gotten quite as far. Mind you, I'm being lenient with that statement; He's not even past the first dungeon, where as I had beaten the game before returning. I will allow him a bit of leniency; that was the game that essentialy popped his Zelda cherry, so I could imagine he'd have no clue ho to go about things. Still, I would have imagined he could have soldiered through the first dungeon!
Moving along, we now come to the computers portion of this post. Sit down people, this is going to take a bit. Oh, you're already sitting? Even better! You all know my track record with computers; horrible. Well, it continued after Winter Break. Y'see, I was tired of having to keep deleting files to make more room on my computer. The meesley 38Gigs that came on the hard drive were barely enough to hold my music and videos, let alone my documents and sprites. So, over the break, I took some of my money and went to get additional storage. At my local Staples (compie geek haven^_^), I perused the additional storage section, trying to decide what I could get for my money. Some of the higher range external hard drives were not available to me due to expense. However, I noted that the internal hard drives offered as much or more storage for a rediction in price. So, I purchased a 250Gig internal hard drive for a fraction of what a USB-connected hard drive cost. I thought I was saving money. As you can guess, that was not the case. I should have known there was going to be trouble whenI couldn't get it installed correctly. The computer wouldn't recognise it without me going into set-up and basically slapping it upside the head. This continued for a but until I realized; the dammed thing wasn't even wired in as another hard drive! Apparently, I hooked it in as the slave (or secondary, for the no-compy-savy) position for my CD drive! Yeah, I felt a little stupid. So, when I was home next, I purchased another cable that would allow me to connect the drive to the motherboard. And for a while, things were good. Ill retun to this crapstorm after this short bitchsession.
Anywhoways, Spring break came up again, and home I went, looking to maybe work a few days and get some monies. However, as you can guess, that got screwed up. Why? BECAUSE APPARENTLY I DIDN'T SCREAM THAT I WAS GOING TO COME BACK ON BREAK IN MY BOSS'S EAR! Seriously, they removed my profile from the books a few weeks after I left! And in order to get a bit of money during that short span I'd be home, I would have had to go through the drug test and application process again! No effin way! However, I did do one little ingenious thing. I jumped through the hoops, but in order to use their own accursed system against them. Since there were less than 90 days left in the semster at the time, I decided to reapply and just say I couldn't start until the 16th of May, well after my last final. that would be within the system constraints, and would allow me to start making money almost immidiately after school ended. So, HA!
Back to the computer crapstorm! I had just fixed up my hard drive configuration, as you remember, and thought everything was fine! WRONG! Soon after, the computer started cutting out for no reason! When the thing booted again, it clamed that the computer had actually overheated and had shut down to prevent damage to the CPU. Apparently, because of the crappy cooling steup Dell installed over the CUP, it couldn't handle the heat from two hard drives running at once! WELL, ISN'T THIS WONDERFUL?!? So, thinking to rectify the situation, I bought a new fan over Spring break, thinking to fix the problem myself. Well, after that, I found out that the fan I had bout wouldn't work with the pin set-up for my motherboard! Now I'm getting angry; I've spent enough to have just gotten an external hard drive to try and get an internal one to work! So, fiddling about trying to fix it, I screw up my computer even worse. I believe I may have shorted out the connections to the motherboard. The computer booted, but would not recognize any of the drives. As you can imagine, this ruined my day, especially because I had a big paper due in the near future and no personal computer to write it on! I ended up commandeering my roomie's comp for the paper. Fortunatly, the following weekend, I returned home for Nova-koi's birthday, which I'll go into detal for later. I ended up getting a brand-spanking new computer at quite a cost to my parents. So, as you can see, the moral of the story (if you can call it that) is to never f*ck around with your computer unless you know exactly what the hell you're doing! It was a bittersweet thing, though. The new computer is much faster and has a 300Gig hard drive, but runs the accursed Windows Vista. That's taken some getting used to, but I finally having it dancing to my tune. And before any of you say it, I know I'm spoiled, what with the new computer, but I am very thankful for it and will be sure to treat it well.
Stepping away from the computer rant, I returned home the last week in March for a very special reason; I was going to go and see Spamalot at the Acadamy of Music in Philedelphia! W000! For any fan of Money Pthyon, you have to understand how important it is to see something like that! And it was HILARIOUS! I was able to share in it with Nova-koi and my parents, and walked away from it with my own killer bunny! Also, I was abile to return home on Easter weekend, both to be with my parents, and also to wish Nova-koi a happy 18th Birthday! I was glad to be there with her. I do believe she liked the gifts I gave her. Anyhow, I retunred to school for another week, and within four days, I was also celebrating my birthday; my 20th, to be exact! That's right, I'm two decades old now, and just one year away from being able to threaten my liver! Either that, or drag Blacksword's durnken ass out of bars. Either way, w00! *fireworks, confetti, ect.*. The following weekend, I was able to travel down to Washinton D.C. with a few friends to see the tail end of the Cherry Blossom Festival. Though most of the cherry trees had shed their blossoms, there were still a few to be had. I also got to experience the street fair, and I just wish I had had a bit more moneny... oh well.
Well, that about brins you up to speed. I realize that this post is probably the longest one you're read in the recent past, so I think you for staying awake through it..... You are still awake out there, right? Right?? Anyhow, Recently, I've bought a Nintendo DS, so now I'm working on building my game collection. Gotta put that B-Day money to use somehow! Next weeek is the last week of classes, with the week after that being finals. No pressure or anything... After that, I return home and start work, and I'll be able to return to my alma mater to watch Nova-koi graduate! It'll be great to see her finally get out of there. In addition, she'll also be coming over to Millersville for her college education! As if I had enough issues with getting work done! Anyhow, I'll try to get on some sort of schedule for updates; I do believe this update took me a good hour to write start to finish (with little distractions in the middle, of course). But I sall try to be more regular in my updates! Later!