Sunday night, or Monday morning pt1?

May 01, 2005 22:36

Jo everyone. Once again, today was a less than enthralling day. For the most part, the only thing that changed was the time that I got up... Of course, I had a prior obligation to fufill, which could only mean one thing: me not awake trying to stay awake through something that even people charged on coffee have trouble getting through. Oh well. I ended up doing the lawn today, which meant another hour or so down the drain. Ever notice that, on a sunny day, the clouds are spaced just conviently enough that you get that little blip of sun, followed by about 15 mins. of clouds? This is even more true when the wind is blowing enough to take away any heat the sun gives off and makes you feel like a squirrel in a leaf blower. Here's hoping tomorrow's a half-decent day... Oh, wait, that's right; I have to run a fuxing timed mile in phys. ed. tommmorow! OH HAPPY DAY! And it's a Monday, to top it all off! *sigh* You ever have the feeling that there's just this cloud of impending doom that follows you everywhere and strikes you with lightning whenever things seem to be going well? I think I just got a cold front's worth of 'em... Well, I'll be back tomorrow, if I survive, that is... *can already feel lungs making plead of own lives*
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