Jun 01, 2006 01:14
Another day of monotony - a never ending boredom the lingers over this sad excuse for a life.
I think I'm doing pretty well with frustrating pretty much everyone I know. I've been in a bad mood lately, and I've been a bit more open-mouthed than I should, I suppose. Then again, I suppose I've always been that way, bad mood or not. There's always a breaking point, where we get tired of smiling with a nod. There's always a boiling point, at which we drop the facade of ignorant compliance and speak our mind the way we should've from the beginning. I've lost my ability to hold that back, I think. I don't care what I say, anymore. I just want people to know what I really think. Maybe a bit of honesty will improve my lifestyle a bit.
Maybe a bit of honesty will make everyone hate me.
If so, they should've hated me to begin with. We should all be a little more honest.
- Cynic