(no subject)

Aug 31, 2010 20:56

I just remembered something that happened at work a few days ago, that still gives me laughs.

I was walking up to the front counter area, where they needed some help. I did a quick glance at the customers to judge how many people where there and such, when I saw a guy who looked like he was standing on something. I started to walk the rest of counter, so I could see what he was possibly standing on so I could tell him to get off of our stuff, as most of our stuff is not meant to be stood on (chairs, high chairs, etc)

...when I found out, he wasn't standing on anything at all.

This guy was really just that freaking tall. I've seen tall, especially with UB and their wonderful sports athletes being right around the corner. But this guy was so tall I originally thought he had to have been standing on something. Nope, he was just pure height.

And here I am, little short me measuring in at 5 feet 2 inches.

I could not help but laugh after he left. He didn't look freakish or anything; that's not why I was laughing. I was laughing because of my own...stupidity I guess you could call it.

I wanted to go over to Moms house today to go walk Jack. I was taking a nap, and had my alarm set for 2 so I could head over there. Two rolls around, I get up and find the weather is 90 degrees (after last week's stint of 60ish degree weather). I pulled the cat in the room, shoved the AC on, and continued to sleep for 6 more hours. Oops. Didn't mean to sleep that long. But I didn't want to subject Jack to that weather, especially since he's not used to being walked, and is indoors in an AC-ed house...and I wanted to take him for a really long walk. Yeah don't want to kill him.

Not much else is going on right now. Gonna get running, and do some puzzles.
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