Oct 12, 2005 22:38
Argh, so I suddenly had an urge to d/l the song "Stars" from the Les Miserables soundtrack, only to absolutely despise the version they have available on iTunes. :/ Unfortunately, my CDs are at home with my parents, and there's not a snowball's chance in hell they'd be able to figure out how to rip a track off it. :P I'm *pretty* sure mine is the London version of the musical, and I thought that Javert's voice was top-notch in it mainly because the song is a lot slower and his voice is much lower. *swoon* Argh, I want my Stars!!! Anyone able to hook me up? :/
(BTW, if you go to the UK music store on iTunes and look up the soundtrack, you can hear part of the song. So close, yet so far away to having my song...!)