Aug 09, 2005 16:50
Hey everyone! well I had a kick asset time at bass lake. U know, with the occasional bug bite and sunburn, that is. Most of the time, we hung out at this beach, that only has my friend kims family on it. I got to meet almost all of her family there, there nice people. The're the kind of people that don't really crae about what other people think of them. What also is pretty cool about them is that they range from millionairs, to people who live in RV's. To me that is pretty cool. On saturday we drove there, it took us about 6 hours to get there. We woke up at 4:30 am, we were supposed to waky up at 3, but kim's dad slept in. I only stayed up till' 2:30 am on friday, lol. I got all of 2 hours of sleep. But it was allright, that was the plan, to go to bed late and wake up early. So we could sleep in the car. But me, kim, and her dad were the only ones waking up that early. All the others, including her grandma, grandpa, Kelly (her sis), and Hayley (hey cuz) slept in and left at a different time. The reasons that was is that Kim's dad's car is really old and only sits 3 people, we wanted to get there pretty early, and there was no a/c. So we were able to leave right away, me and kim left with our pajamas still on, lol, we didn't feel like putting on regular clothes that early. Oh, and the reason we didn't take her dad's other car is cuz it cant tow his boat all the way there. We left, I stared at the night, almost day sky, I was sooo anxious. Me and Kim talked for a little while, but most of the time it was silent, I was able to sleep for an hoour on the way there. We also brought lanyards to make things with so we wont get too bored. Most of the time, I stared out my window, looking at all the sights, from mountains to farms to desert. It wasnt the best car ride I have ever taken, it was allright in the beggining, then it started to get hot, and me and kim were wide awake. And started getting bored out of our minds. 6 hours later I was able to see beautiful Bass Lake. It was soo gorgeous. We werent able to rent our cabin yet, so we went up to her millionair Uncle Steve's and Aunt Mary's place, they lived at Bass Lake. They had thier own dock, so me and kim swam there. We went back up to the house, her cousin had arrived, not hayley, but the other one, rachel. She was 15, she brought her best friend Mkenzie, i think thats how u spell her name, well they both were nice and all of us started talking. After a little while, we had to leave and go rent our cabin/lodge. In our lodge, we had 9 people staying with us, it was sorta cramped. There was kim, me, kelly, their dad, thier grandma and grandpa, thier aunt vicky, hayley, and aunt vicky's good friend Michie (short for Michelle). I met all of her family on sunday, thier nice people. We got to swim out to this booey and back every day (which is a half mile), play cards, and I got to be the little kids entertainment most of the time. I also found out that I hate going on ski bob's. they are like intertubes, but with seats and handals. My first time going on it the handle came loose, I started freaking out. But I jus didn't want to go on one again. Two days me kim, Michi went to this place called Angle Falls, it was sooo beautful. It had this natural waterslide and it went into this whirlpool, i went on that thing 6 times, even though the water was freezing cold. There were so many waterfalls, I have never seen such a thing in my life, it was amazing. But the vacation soon came to an end, last saturday. We left at 9:00 am saturday morning, sadly, it was the hottest day of the week. Friday night, we packed our suitcases, put them into the car, and went to bed. All the nights I was there I slept outside, alltogether I saw 72 shooting stars.. But I was happy to be going home. We left I said bye to her whole family, and we went on our way. It started getting very hot, it got up to about 110 degrees, and there was no a/c. I was actually able to go to sleep though for a little while. Kim and I talked for a little while, we remembered the one night when I asked Kelly what her favorite planet was, she said Saturn. Then she asked me the same question, I said Uranus, me and kim started laughing so much, then we all heard this strang noise, and kelly asked what it was, kim blurted out, jo mama. Then shes all like, no its not, erika, what is that noise. I said, Uranus! We alll started laughing. Sooo much fun, well the car ride was over, we took our stuff out of the car and went inside, I was heat sick for a little while. We hung out for an hour at her house, then my mom picked me up, and the vacation was officially over. If u have read this far of what i wrote, i am mighty proud of u! lol!
~The life of Erika