I came online just now and WOW! The LOLsuit actually ended... I will probably need a moment before the thought will actually sink in... I think my brain didn't register it yet completely xD But honestly those news didn't make me feel about our five gods any different then before. If U were a reasonable Cass U somehow predicted this day would come eventually and in the situation of TVXQ & JYJ this doesn't really change anything as of now. They will be TVXQ Duo & JYJ from TVXQ like they were past those 3 years. Even at the beginning of the lawsuit I felt I was still a Cassiopeia coz I love all five boys no matter if they are DBSK or TVXQ Duo & JYJ from TVXQ *shrug* I never let lawsuit make me feel less Cassiopeia as I never let SME statements or media play make me feel less Cassiopeia. Being a Cassiopeia means TRUSTING our five boys & their bond. JYJ left SM (as they wished for and many of Us as well) so what? HoMin stayed in SM (as they decided and many of Us respected their choice) so what? We already got used to their situation past those 3 years why getting crazy over it now just coz the LOLsuid ended? I know and U know it too, that all five boys still love & respect each other (they showed it directly & indirectly past those 3 years) so this actually can be a chance for them to have freedom in meeting in public without the 'LOLsuit & SM' standing in their way as they did past those 3 years. It's a chance for them to be freely a 'family' again even if they don't stand on one stage anymore. As long as they can be together and sing as five in karaoke room I don't need anything more. I'm sure all of them meet many times in SECRET already coz the LOLsuit didn't gave them any other option. But now... Every ending is a start of new beginning, new possibilities. Don't make assumptions just yet because future is unpredictable and U never know what it may bring.
I shall go find what the future will bring me together with those five lovable boys.
I was here with all of them past those 5 years and I plan to be here the next 50 years too... at least that is what I feel is right with my heart feelings. In the end I'm Cassiopeia to the core. xD
Always Keep The Faith.