Jun 28, 2004 13:01
My first real journal entry. . .
The desert is a depressing place to live. You look into the sands....see the particles being stolen away by the heated winds. Like the lives of it's inhabitants. People who live in the desert never really make it out. Entire generations of people have lived in this desert, never really enjoying other parts of the world. It's a depressing idea. I refuse to be one of those people. I'll soon be taking a step...a very large step...into the rest of my life. It will be a landmark in my history...even though it's so miniscule an event. I'm going to be joining the california conservation corps. While this seems like nothing, I'll be moving to upstate california and be able to enjoy a new environment. Possibly a beach area...possible a heavily wooded area which I thoroughly prefer over sand...and I refuse to come back to this town. Barstow is too depressing, too ordinary. If I don't do something with my life I fear I never will. By joining the ccc I'll be losing weight, gaining muscle, and be earning a steady paycheck while being housed and fed for a mere 300 dollars a month. It's...a bit frightening. Moving on into such an unknown place...adulthood. I'll be writing my own checks, paying my own bills...things I've never had to do before. But with time comes experience, and withe experience comes knowledge and satisfaction. Wish me luck.