Good Times

May 24, 2008 01:35

Tonight's C&G picnic was marvelous and glorious and wistful and fun.  I am really going to miss the people that will be left here after we're gone to the north, and I can only hope that our new adventures will put us into the paths of such people that will continue to have significant impact on our lives.  There were tears and laughter, and nobody fell into the river.  Ross and Thom did a bang-up job of buying $400 worth of food - and then cooking it all for a ravenous group of gamers.  We played some Bang!, chatted up about GW, and otherwise enjoyed each others' company.

Also, over the course of yesterday and today, I was able to persist a tradition I've tried to carry every year.  Namely, the performance of a gaming-dedicated parody tribute.  This year's showing was equally phenomenal, and as such I cannot help but share it.  So, the following is the terribly amusing (legend in my own mind, much?) song I wrote (well, parodied) for this year.  (As a refresher, C&G is the local campus gaming group that has basically been my extended family for the last four years).

To the tune of Short Skirt, Long Jacket by Cake.

I want a gamer with a mind like a pirate
I want a gamer who knows ninja too
I want a gamer with respect for her party
and a head that's cool like mountain dew

I want a gamer with a big imagination
Who's funny and clever
And very astute
She's playing Age of Empires
She's putting up with trolls
She's roleplaying in character
And picking up loot

I want a gamer with a short sword and a lonnnng backstory......

I want a gamer who gets there early
I want a gamer who plays past three
I want a gamer with uninterrupted attention
Who speaks Tolkein Elvish and Games Workshop-ese

With a paladin that shines like justice
And a drow that is dark like tinted glass
She is funny and clever
And very astute
Playing boardgames in character
And picking up loot

I want a gamer with a short sword and a lonnnnng.... lonnng backstory......

I want a gamer who's okay with losing
I want a gamer who still wants to win
And at C&G we will meet accidentally
We'll start to talk when the meeting begins

She wants a Wii with Smash Brothers Brawl
She wants a PC that will run Crysis
Her favorite games are Changeling and Clue
She's trading Unreal Tournament for Team Fortress Two

I want a gamer with a short sword and a lonnnnggggggggg backstory......
[Spoken during end instrumental:]  Like about 150 pages.... two entire deviantart accounts.... a graphic novelization..... your own made-for-tv miniseries..... and some action figures.....
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