{FIC} Projection

Sep 19, 2011 15:42

Curiosity could be a terribly annoying thing at the best of times. But at this very moment, Fran thought, it was a downright pestilence. He was thoroughly exhausted, just like everyone was after the battle with Byakuran; his body ached all over and he hadn't even really done anything significant during the fight.
The tiny scabs from Belphegor's knives all over his back did sting a bit though.

Fran sighed as he rolled onto his side. One day, Karma would smack the blonde prince right upside that big head of his, and Fran would be right there to rub his dumb, grinning face in it. But for now, there was something that weighed far more heavily on the young illusionist's thoughts, namely the newly reincarnated Mist Arcobaleno sitting with Xanxus in his office, discussing something private.

Probably his current standing within the Varia, considering I'm his replacement, Fran thought.

Now that Mammon was back, they didn't need two illusionists in the Varia. It was almost not a question in Fran's mind that they would accept Mammon back into the organization. The Arcobaleno had proven himself more than once to Xanxus and the others, not to mention he'd been there from the beginning, so he was already an integral part of the Varia.

So where does that leave me? Fran thought.

Admittedly, he was feeling a bit worried. There were so many questions flying through his head that he physically could not close his eyes and drift off to sleep.

He knew that the others were just waiting for the word from Xanxus, and Fran would probably be swimming with the fishes. He didn't really get why they felt they had to kill him, to be honest. He could just as easily go back to Mukuro and the Kokuyo gang. They were always a swell bunch, he supposed.

He rolled onto his stomach. But…I guess it's not so bad here either. I mean, I have my own room, with a nice bathroom and everything, the uniform's pretty snazzy, and Lussu-nee-san is such a good cook. But… I was just getting too cozy.

Fran groaned and finally crawled out of bed, unable to get any rest.

A glass of warm milk or something might do me good, He thought with a yawn as he padded into the kitchen, his bare feet soundless on the tiles.

To his surprise, the light in the kitchen was already on. He felt his stomach turn. He really didn't want to see any of the others at that moment. Especially Bel, who would waste no time in telling him he was dead meat as soon as boss gave the word.

"Perhaps I should just run away before that happens…" Fran said to himself quietly as he poked his head into the kitchen. But that thought scared him even more, specifically because of something Belphegor had said to him his first night at the headquarters.

Being in the Varia is sorta like being in a gang. Once you're in, you're in for life. And the only way you leave is in a coffin.

Fran had threatened to run away, naturally. To which the prince just chuckled and happily demonstrated on a passing grunt what it was the Varia reserved the contractual right to do to anyone who ditched or betrayed them.

Fran had had a hard time keeping his lunch down after that.

And what made it even worse was knowing that that was what Bel would do to him when Xanxus gave the okay. Fran suddenly felt a cold sweat break out down his back. Either way, he was done for, so he might as well die with some sort of dignity to his name. The mist guardian straightened his back and walked into the kitchen.

He wouldn't show any of them how terrified he was.

But surprisingly, instead of Bel, or Squalo, or even Lussuria, he found the very person, or infant, rather, that he had been mentally debating about all the way down the stairs.

Fran found himself almost starstruck at the sight of his predecessor.

After years of being compared to him, by not only Belphegor but the others as well, Fran's mind had created this larger-than-life image of the Mist Arcobaleno. He'd heard of Mammon's abilities every single day from the prince, who, although his words weren't directly kind, it was clear that he held Mammon in much higher regard than he did some of the others.

He also remembered Mukuro's recant of the Ring Conflict, and despite the severe thrashing he had given Mammon then, he admitted that the arcobaleno was undoubtedly of a superior breed of illusionists and spellcasters.

He only lost because I was his opponent, Mukuro said to him then. But he had also told Fran that if ever given the chance to face Mammon in his pre-Arcobaleno days, namely, as Viper, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Fran was almost afraid to walk into the kitchen then. The younger illusionist settled for standing silently in the doorway and staring at his predecessor.

Mammon was sitting at the table, a glass of something pink and creamy-looking in a small glass next to him, and he was looking over some sort of document. Despite the small, triangular pout on his chubby face, he looked relatively peaceful, like he was happy to be back home.

"Sit." The baby said suddenly, and Fran nearly jumped out of his skin. He'd been caught.

"Um.." He began awkwardly, not moving from the doorway.

After a few seconds, Mammon looked up from the document. "I said sit, child. Or I'll charge you a fee."

Despite the soft, almost lilting tone of the infant's voice, the clear command made Fran's feet move. Fran cautiously walked into the kitchen and took a seat adjacent to the hooded infant. They sat in silence for several minutes as Mammon finished looking over the paper, which appeared to be some sort of financial document, now that Fran had a closer view.

He sat quietly, alternately twiddling his finger on the table and staring at the infant. No one had ever told him what Mammon looked like, and he'd certainly never seen a picture or anything, so he found it difficult not to stare at the baby. He took in his predecessor's dark hood, hiding his eyes away from sight, as well as the permanent scowl affixed to his cherubic face.

Fran couldn't explain why, but being around the Arcobaleno made him slightly uneasy. Perhaps it was the infant's refusal to speak until he finished reviewing the document that was making Fran so uncomfortable. Although he hid it well, Fran was a bit impatient at times, and coupled with his current anxiety, he was fidgeting like a little boy in his seat every few seconds.

But there was something else about Mammon that put him on edge too. The infant had such a nefarious aura about him, like he was surrounded by sadness, and tragedy, and evil. Fran knew many illusionists, himself included, often had some sort of ties to the supernatural and the occult, but he'd never met anyone with such a wholely malevolent presence.

It almost felt like there was some sort of evil spirit around him, and it made Fran a bit queasy. He understood then why it was that Mammon was more respected within the Varia than he was. He had a frighteningly unpleasant feeling about him, almost demonic. He fit in perfectly with the others.

If this is him as a baby, I wonder what he was like as an adult, Fran pondered.

Fran also noticed the distinct markings on Mammon's cheeks; they were small violet triangles, similar to the markings under his eyes. Without thinking, he leaned over and pinched the baby's cheek.

"Ubuu!" Mammon squeaked at the sudden pain in his cheek, and Fran resisted the urge to smile. The creepy feeling dissipated almost immediately.

"What a cute little baby." Fran said flatly. "Hard to believe you're the Mammon I've heard so much about."

Mammon slammed the paper down on the table and gave him a stern look. At least, Fran imagined it would've been a stern look, had he actually been able to see his face.

"Hmmph. And you must be this Fran character everyone's told me about." The Arcobaleno quipped as he rubbed his now sore cheek. Fran sighed at that. "I can only imagine what the fake-prince has told you about me." He said as he poked Mammon's cheek again and again, until finally Mammon made an irritated sound and batted his finger away.

"Plenty, I assure you." Mammon said with an even deeper frown as he rose out of his seat and floated over to Fran, levitating several inches from his face. Fran's eyes widened slightly.

Whoa. Mammon can fly?

Mammon hovered in front of him quietly, getting closer and closer as the seconds ticked by. The baby made little 'hmm' noises every so often, studying his replacement curiously. Fran just stared back blankly.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mammon sighed and sank down onto the table. He walked over and picked up his glass of…whatever he was drinking, and took a few sips.

"You're every bit as dumb-looking as they said." Mammon said after setting his cup back down. "And I wonder what Bel would do if he saw you without the hat he lovingly made for you?" He chided, his deadpanned tone holding a mocking edge.

Fran patted his head. "Oh…I hope no one walks in." He muttered quietly. Mammon scoffed.

"How pathetic. They had all that time after I was gone, and you were the best they could find? I wonder what filthy alley they drudged you up out of?" The infant said arrogantly.

Fran was taken aback by his predecessor's cutting words, although outwardly he didn't show it.

"I guess I was, and not to be rude, Mammon-san, but I was never interested in joining the Varia anyway. What Bel-sempai and the others say about me doesn't really matter, because I don't like any of them anyway. Sorry if I don't live up to their wonderful 'Varia Quality.'" He said, his voice taking on a more brusque edge than normal.

To his surprise, Mammon chuckled condescendingly before sipping his drink again.

"It's no wonder they treat you like dirt." He said quietly.


Mammon looked up at him from his new perch on the table. "You act like nothing affects you, but inside…it bothers you, doesn't it? The things Bel and the others say and do to you?" He said quietly.

Fran frowned.

"You don't know what you're talking about, baby." Despite his cool tone, Fran felt himself getting slightly agitated. Mammon was staring directly at him as he spoke, almost as if he could feel exactly what Fran had locked away deep within himself.

In a matter of minutes, Mammon had succeeded in doing what very few could, namely, getting under his skin. And Fran felt like the infant sitting on the table could see that perfectly.

"Of course I do, Fran. Even without reading your mind, it's easy to see that being considered a replacement bothers you. A lot more than you're comfortable admitting."

The two sat in silence for several seconds, staring at each other. After a moment, Fran sighed. "Well of course it bothers me. I'm not a robot, you know. Especially when I wanted no part of this to begin with." He finally admitted softly.

To his surprise, Mammon chuckled. "And it should. You've got some big shoes to fill, after all. It'd be hard for anyone to top an Arcobaleno, let alone a fledgling like you."

At that, Fran bristled.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" He snapped without thinking, "I said I wanted no part of this stupid assassin crap anyway!" He could feel everything he wanted to say just bubble to the surface, and the words just kept pouring out, unhindered.

"I was alright with Mukuro and the others. I mean, they weren't all that great either, and Mukuro was kind of a slave driver, but I didn't ask to be brought here against my will, to fight for a bunch of assholes that treat me like I'm worthless just because I'm not a stupid baby with a frog on his head!" He shouted.

Fran felt himself trembling with anger. He didn't even know he could get that angry, truthfully. He couldn't explain why what Mammon, someone who had never met him before now, had said suddenly irked him so much, but…

…it really pissed him off.

Mammon just sat looking at him, calmly sipping his drink. After a long sip, he continued nonchalantly.

"Yes, I suppose you're entitled to be a bit upset, considering the unorthodox way you were brought into the family." The infant said with a half-hearted shrug before pinning him with a hard look.

"But what irritates me about you is that you know in your mind how you feel about the situation, but you're too afraid to say it out loud. So to hide your fear and your obvious weakness, you protect yourself with sarcasm and scathing verbal abuse instead of defending yourself like you're really capable of, and everyone can see that but you. And that's why Bel and the others treat you like you're nothing. Because you're showing them that you're nothing."

Fran, for the first time in his life, was at a loss for words.

"What?" He said in confusion, his anger fading away quickly.

Mammon sighed as he finished off the last of his pink beverage. "You really don't give yourself enough credit, Fran. I expected more out of the apprentice of a cocky bastard like Rokudo Mukuro."

"But Master is cocky because he knows he can back it up." Fran said. Mammon fixed him with a deep pout. "And so can you, although you don't know it."

Fran just looked at him curiously. Mammon floated back to him and hovered at eye level so they were face to face. "Do you know why the members of the Varia are who they are today?"

Fran shook his head.

"Do you know why, even though he beat him, Sawada Tsunayoshi is still terrified of Xanxus and the Varia to this very day?"

Again, Fran shook his head.

"And do you know why the Arcobaleno are revered as they are, or why people like Xanxus and Superbia Squalo, or your master, or Hibari Kyoya are as feared and respected as they are?"


"Because of their arrogance, and their discipline."

"Arrogance? And discipline?" Fran parroted back.

Mammon nodded. "Precisely. They are not just feared because of their obvious ability, but it's also because of their confidence in their power, and their discipline in honing their abilities. I suppose the best way to sum up what I'm trying to tell you would be with a story. When I was a child, I had a lot of trouble controlling my power. I killed my caretaker after he raped me one night, and for days, I wandered the streets, my mind tearing itself apart from fear and desperation. Just when I thought I was at my end, a witch found me and took me in."

Fran's eyes widened slightly at that. He leaned forward, interest piqued.

"I spent most of my adolescence with the witch, who was gifted in the same ways I was. I trained day and night to perfect my abilities, until soon, I was strong enough to overwhelm and ultimately devour her soul."

"Holy shit." Fran said, eyes wide. Mammon actually gave a small chuckle at the younger man's shock, but continued on.

"Yes, well, after that, I decided to become an assassin. I knew that the underworld would welcome me with open arms. I started with small jobs, like any rookie assassin, but the difference between me and anyone else was that no matter how small an assignment seemed, I executed it with perfection. Each job was a chance to show off my power, and learn something new about myself. I made sure every single person I worked with was left in awe of me. And that didn't change once I became part of the mafia. I met other spellcasters and illusionists of both my family as well as other families, and it didn't take me long to realize I was in a league all of my own. Through my relentless training, I had pushed my power to far exceed that of the average illusionist."

Fran nodded as he listened, completely ensnared by the infant's story.

"With that kind of knowledge, comes great confidence, Fran, and when you hold yourself in higher regard than you do others, you push yourself much harder. In my case, I ended up killing most of the other illusionists of my time, simply because I knew they didn't have the power to stop me. And that is the mindset that sets the Varia, and the Arcobaleno, and even certain members of the Decimo's family apart from everyone else. It is the reason Belphegor insists on reminding everyone he's a prince, and why Xanxus can sit on his throne and throw wine glasses at one of the most feared swordsmen of our lifetime, and even why your master made me lose my grip on my perception during the Ring Conflict all of those years ago. We are the unstoppable force, and there is not a soul on this Earth that can shake us." Mammon said with a soft smile.

Fran sat quietly for several minutes, letting the arcobaleno's words sink in. Mammon coughed softly into his fist. "Get me a drink. I haven't talked that much in years."

Surprisingly, Fran just nodded and got up to retrieve the Mist guardian a new glass. He found a carton of the pink beverage Mammon had been drinking in the refrigerator and poured a glassful.

"And just so you can sleep easy," Mammon began suddenly, "you're not getting booted out just because I'm back, so relax."

Fran turned around quickly, shocked that the infant had known exactly what was really bothering him.

"How did you know?"

Mammon scoffed. The glass in Fran's hand suddenly floated away from him, towards the baby perched on the table.

"I truly wonder what it is Bel has told you about me," Mammon said as he grabbed the cup out of the air and took a sip. "Although my power is no longer at its peak, I am still a world-renowned psychic. And yes, that obviously includes telekinesis and telepathy."

"Why aren't they kicking me out?" Fran asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Mammon sighed audibly, as if the conversation was becoming taxing for him.

"You have me to thank for that, child, and you can thank me by depositing one thousand U.S. dollars into my account before the end of tomorrow."

"You?" Fran repeated as he sat back down at the table. Mammon nodded.

"Yes, me. To be honest, I didn't think much of you, until Xanxus told me you had a Hell Ring. After that, I read through your file, and I realized that you have a lot of potential."

Fran laughed bitterly. "That's what everyone seems to say about me. That I have potential." He suddenly felt Mammon's heated glare pin him down from underneath the dark hood.

"Well if it wasn't for that potential, you'd be dead several times over." The infant snapped, and Fran immediately shut his mouth.

"A Hell Ring isn't something you just stumble upon, boy," Mammon began, "they find their way to the person they truly belong to."

Mammon beckoned him over. "Let's have a look at it." Fran walked over and held his hand out. The avaricious mist guardian inspected it for a long while before finally speaking.

"The 666 Hell Ring, hmm? That seems about right for you." He said, a hint of amusement in his flat voice.

"The bearer of the 666 Hell Ring is fated to suffer six hundred and sixty-six misfortunes before his luck turns, and the chance for one stroke of good fortune is his." Fran recited quietly from memory. Mammon nodded in agreement.

"You've had a hard life, child. You've certainly endured your fair share of misfortune already. But we," Mammon said as he pointed upstairs, "all have as well. The question now is how you overcome it."

Fran stared at him in silence.

"You have a Hell Ring because you will be someone great, Fran, although you may not see that right away. And you're part of the Varia because you are at the top of your game; again, even though you yourself may not think that. Mukuro taught you everything you needed to survive up until now, but you still have a lot to learn. And that is why I plan to take you under my wing and put you on that path."

"R-really?" Fran stuttered embarrassingly, at a complete loss for words for the second time that evening.

"Yes. I requested permission from Xanxus, and he was fine with it."

Fran felt a weight lift from his shoulders. "Thank you, Mammon-san."

The infant scoffed. "Don't thank me just yet. As you will soon discover, I am a far stricter teacher than Mukuro is, and my capacity for cruelty is much higher. You've rested on your potential for far too long. The name Varia is synonymous with fear and power, and that will always hold true in the Vongola, and in the Mafia world in general. I don't know what that oaf has been doing with you all of this time, but it's time you rose to the Varia name. Right now, you're at the bottom of the food chain here. But that will change very quickly under my tutelage."

Fran stared at the baby blankly. "Mammon-san is very passionate about this." He said with a deadpanned voice.

Mammon scowled deeply at him. "You baffoon, of course I am. Mukuro may not care, but no pupil of mine will be looked down upon as weak. As such, your first lesson begins as soon as you get upstairs."

Fran suddenly felt anxious. "Uh…what do I need to do?"

Mammon fixed him with a hard look. "Throw that atrocious hat Bel makes you wear in the garbage."

"But Bel-sempai will kill me if I do that." The infant shook his head, the stern pout still pasted on his face. "No he won't. And if you were truly paying attention to what I was saying earlier, you'll realize why."

Fran sat down and immediately began thinking over everything the arcobaleno said to him.

Mammon yawned. "I'm going to sleep. I'd better see that disgraceful piece of head-gear sitting on top of the trashcan tomorrow morning, or I'll mail you back to Kokuyo Land in pieces."

And with that, his predecessor vanished upstairs.

Fran sighed. What a troublesome situation I've landed myself in. But I'd better do what he says. Mammon-san doesn't seem like the type to make empty threats. Fran thought as he grabbed the half-full glass that Mammon was drinking out of.

He sniffed it curiously before taking an experimental sip. It was strawberry milk.

Rating - PG
Pairing - Gen
Warnings - Slight OOC-ness, language
Summary - Fran learns an important lesson from his predecessor

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