Title: Wild Justice
lysapadinCharacters: Tsuna/Kyouko; Gokudera/Haru; Chrome, Mukuro, I-Pin
Rating: Teen and up.
Summary: Most people assume that Kyouko's really nice. They're mistaken: she's simply polite. And there's a huge difference between "nice" and "polite."
Notes: A hugely belated fic for round four of
khrfest, prompt III-17: Kyoko - Haru is killed by a rival family, Kyouko doesn't take it lying down; "Fly away/ Take control / Beyond the edge will make you whole." Character death, angst, Kyouko being a badass. Kind of a grim AU to
"They Also Serve". 8801 words.
There was no pleasure in having been proved right after all.
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