Your smelly puppy is back!~

Dec 19, 2010 01:52

Bet you missed THAT body odour me! At least a bit, if you actually noticed I was gone, haha. :D Anyway - I finally, finally --- F I N A L L Y - have all this semester's exams behind me PLUS this super annoying freakkin' important essay is as good as done!

I feel like I can finally breathe again (no Ken didn't bathe, why do you even bother thinking about it)!  It's such an amazing feeling I wanna stay up all night and enjoy it! BAMM! OH YEAH! 8D

So yeah, I'm gonna get off hiatus the next days (or like, NOW)! Just on the right time for Secret Santa, Christmas and Christmas break! Perfect timing, huh.

Glad to be back! ;A; ♥


Tag Ken at the meme. ;p


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