what the hell? a real entry

Apr 04, 2007 09:12

so i really don't write often in this thing anymore. maybe i just feel content keeping my thoughts to myself or i only started this thing to keep in touch with distant friends who don't write anymore or i just feel my life is too exciting...i dunno. but you know what i do know? calling an asshole a dickfucking cocksucker is funny.

so in a little bit i will work on some spanish and then drive to BandB to get my car fixed. Yeah, I got into a car accident. take the curse word combo i just used and apply it to the twat who hit me and that would describe him in a fucking nutshell. the asshole rearended me and then he had the fucking balls to settle for a hundred bucks, because it was not entirely his fault.....he hit me from behind and the estimate was around 540. yeah. fucker.

next weekend i will have to rapidly film my next movie. i wrote the script, but i am not just succumbing to the 5 minute limit for the movie. this will definitely be the shortest of my movies, but i still think it will be a fuck of a challenge. What i meant before was that I will edit a director's cut that I will say is my 4th movie. i put a lot of work in the 2 other school projects, but this one will not just be a school prjoect. this one will be MY story. I am trying to get real actors, not just students, filming around Austin...this will be exciting. And I wish it was over already! I hate prepoduction...planning the shoot is the biggest pain in the ass, i hate the moments leading up to filming, but when we are there on the day of filming and working with the actors then it becomes awesomeness in the form of filmmaking. Then postproduction, editing...that shit is just so much fun! Tedious, but fun! because that is indeed where the movie takes shape.

I hate my job so much. It is such a fucking inconvenience. Money-wise and customer-wise it is the best Starbucks I have ever been into, and the manager is cool on one hand, but an idiot on the other. His being an idiot effects me more, sad to say.

Saw a movie filming on campus yesterday. Fireflies in the Grass, starring hollywood hunks Ryan Reynolds, Ioan Grufford, and Julia Roberts the monkey. My first time seeing a realmovie set. It was amazing how many students were just standing around to watch. The panavision camera was fucking huge! Those things are bigger than my tv! I tried hustling the people, and the only one I got to talk to was the costume head lady thingy. Probably won't get to PA on this thing, but she gave me Mr. Reynolds' sides so that was cool. I have something that could probably fethc for a lot on ebay!

I am going to go back to work now dammit.
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