Fic: Rubik (1/1)

Feb 14, 2010 17:55

Title: Rubik
Rating: PG
Characters: Richard Alpert, Alexandra Linus Rousseau
Word Count: 100
Summary: He is old; with her, he's young. For the prompt “Cube,” at lostsquee's Lost Drabble Challenge 2010: Quick Fire Drabble Challenge. General Spoilers Through S4.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Author’s Notes: Quick Fire, #1: I've avoided writing these two together for a long time; this kind of just happened.


He doesn’t know where she finds it; stored somewhere beneath circular discs and octagonal emblems that make him feel old; so very, very old.

She holds it out to him, a rainbow in her palm, trusting that he’ll fix it: the colors faded, curling at the edges. Like him.

He twists the cube with deft fingers; fingers that remember the world before time, the touch of dirt and sand; the way her skin felt the first time he’d held her in his arms: baby-soft, delicate.

Her laughter, as he hands her the puzzle, solved; it makes him feel young again.

character:lost:richard alpert, fanfic:gen, fanfic:challenge, fanfic:pg, character:lost:alexandra linus rousseau, fanfic, fanfic:oneshot, challenge:lostquickfiredrabblechallenge, challenge:lostdrabblechallenge, fanfic:lost

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