Title: Life Unending
Rating: PG
Character(s): Richard Alpert, Jacob
Word Count: 108
Summary: Reconciling an end with life unending. For the
lost_in_108 Challenge #5: Liquor and the
18coda Prompt #10 - Elegy. Spoilers through 5.16 - The Incident, Parts 1 & 2.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Author’s Notes: This wrote itself, really. Which explains why I don’t feel all that guilty about taking a few minutes away from everything else in order to do it.
Life Unending
Whatever slips down his throat, it’s strong, ancient - it burns with a will he’s misplaced, and it’s beautiful; beautiful.
“Does it ever go away?” he asks, his voice caught up in crystals of salt, fracturing against the latticework into nothing more than a whimper. “Will I ever be able to forget?”
“No.” The slosh of alcohol, the rush of the waves, the touch of a hand on his shoulder that shivers, that steadies, that warms. He sinks into the sand, ashes to ashes; dust unto dust. “But in time, you’ll learn not to care.”
Jacob toasts the distant horizon where it smolders, and Richard drinks to the dregs.