Vid: Flux

Aug 27, 2009 13:53

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Flux from hitlikehammers on Vimeo.

PASSWORD: ‘kasterborous’

Title: Flux
Pairing: Ten/Donna
Song: Flux by Bloc Party
Disclaimer: “Doctor Who” is the sole property of the BBC. The song “Flux” is the exclusive property of Bloc Party, Vice Records, and Wichita Recordings. All content is the sole property of its respective owners. For entertainment purposes only; no copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Notes: For the cliche_bingo Prompt - Pretending to be Married (Prompt Table Here) - because the Doctor and Donna are pretty much domestic, y/y? One of a collection of random and varied “quick vids,” where I sat down with a song and made myself finish a vid in an hour or two. It’s a bit rough as a result, but I’d like to think it kind of works. Really, at this point, I’ll take anything to get me back into DW fandom.

challenge:cliche_bingo, fanvid:ten/donna, fanvid:challenge, fanvid:doctor who, fanvid

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