Title: Stamp Of Origin: Ocean Meets Bay
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Richard/Jacob
Word Count: 2,442
Summary: To be honest, he’s not entirely sure where the story begins, anymore. For the
15pairings Prompt #9 - Water. Spoilers through 5.16 - The Incident, Parts 1 & 2.
Prompt Table:
HereDisclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title belongs to dredg.
Author’s Notes
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They wake to the breaking dawn and they sleep beneath the stars and Richard, who would forever be a child to the man who held him close, has never lost his sense of wonder, has yet to cease marveling at the play of the moon on the ripples of the water, the way the light fractures and glows so far, so near, around them and between them and in every move they make. I love this, even though I could sense what might be coming next. I like the idea that time seems to bend around Jacob here, and I really like the idea that Richard didn't actually choose this for himself. What a gift that was.
This is the shape of forever, he fears, an eternity from which there is no escape. What a line. I love the contrast between the first and last sections. Richard's loss of wonder (and, I think, to some degree, innocence) post-change is heartbreaking.
Interestingly, I've been playing with a sort of dialogue between Jacob and Richard writing-wise myself, and Biblical references get brought up there, too. I'm not sure why, but they seems to work well with this particular pair.
Wonderful, wonderful job.
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