Fic: Stars & Stripes (1/1)

Aug 22, 2013 14:01

Title: Stars & Stripes
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov; Implications of General Avengers Polyamory
Summary: It was innocent. It was mostly-if-not-entirely innocent, and well-intentioned, and Steve would like it to be documented and acknowledged that he was not the one who decided it’d be a good idea to go rummaging through their colleagues’ bedside tables, alright? It was not Steve’s idea, and therefore Steve cannot be blamed for the thing that was found as a result.

The star-spangled, silicone thing sitting on the duvet between them, shaped like a...bowling pin.

A very thin, very particularly-contoured bowling pin.

“It’s a set, too,” Tony adds, as if that makes it any better. “We’ve all got one.”

Inspired by this art post.

(( “Does the term ‘double-team’ mean anything to you, Uncle Sam?” ))

character:iron man:pepper potts, character:iron man:tony stark, character:avengers:phil coulson, pairing:avengers:bruce/tony/papper, character:avengers:natasha romanov, fanfic:nc-17, pairing:avengers:steve/tony, fanfic, pairing:avengers:pepper/natasha, fanfic:oneshot, character:avengers:clint barton, pairing:avengers:clint/coulson, character:avengers:steve rogers, pairing:avengers:tony/pepper/bruce/natas, fandom:avengers, pairing:iron man:tony/pepper, character:avengers:bruce banner

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