
May 12, 2004 18:32

Today in P.E., we played two softball games. The first game I hella sucked, I never hit anything square on I kept tipping my pitches. ;P But it's ok, we still won by at least 13. I'm surprised, Brian's team wasn't doing very good today or something. And then we played the championship game against Kevin's team, but we won that 18 - 5 or something. I did a lot better during this game, so I'm happy. ;D So we won the championship with a record of 6-1 (the Bad News Bears ended this series with 0-7 O_o) but we're switching up the teams now. I hope mine doesn't suck. >_<

In biology, everyone fell asleep so Mrs. Hamilton got pissed and gave us a pop quiz on the video we were supposed to be watching. I did alright, I guess.

Volunteering today was very exhausting.
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