well you added me so do I add you back?fungus_punkNovember 2 2002, 16:53:03 UTC
isnt THAT the question at stake here? I think it is! I am gods only son bill...yes! bill not jesus...fuck jesus he was my croney who died in my place the world doesnt understand that gods only son evil skullfucker that he is is walking the earth killing millions of bums and raping their eye sockets with a can of crisco and a power drill. Yes and then I kill alot of hardware store workers too because my drill bits rust so much so I need new ones. and they always ask me...well why do you need new drill bits...why what else would I use them for I say but to kill bums and then rape the ragged bleeding holes so much that my sperm gushes out in torrents for I am bill...the son of the one true god. and of course at this point I surely cannot let them live now that they know the horrible truth to exsistance. But now I have an interesting dilemna now YOU know my horrible secret...so ..do I skull fuck you in the back of the head till your eyes pop due to excessive pressure and semen runs from your eyes like tears from an emo kid?....do I? or maybe I'll just add you to my friend list like the thoughtless masses....who knows
Re: well you added me so do I add you back?hitlerhitlerNovember 2 2002, 21:48:55 UTC
Maybe rather than skull fucking me in the back of the head till my eyes pop out due to excessive pressure and semen runs from my eyes like tears from an emo kid, you should LAY off the dope.
And of course you'll add me. I'm hot literate jailbait, right here.
And of course you'll add me. I'm hot literate jailbait, right here.
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