More tales about books

Feb 06, 2007 10:12

So everyone on LJ suddenly seems to be posting about books. Books they have, books they are reading or just finished reading or making resolutions on reading more books. And I am guessing that soon there will be a bunch or two of people who will be saying how they cannot read books and calling people who read a lot of books 'pseudo-intellectuals' :-)

So here goes a list of books I would like to buy and finish off reading by end of this month or so ...
(hint: if you have any of these, I would like to borrow 'em :-D )

Mostly mainstream pulp but what else are brains meant for at past midnight after having hung around in office for the previous 10-12 hours?

But reading stuff like GEB and Foucault's Pendulum is quite good for your health especially as they make you hit the sack harder in a very short time ...

And yes, the Crichton book is available on the street stands given how we value being one of top-most countries with IP rights/piracy/copyright violations issues ...

Oh well, gone are the days when I used to start a book at 12 and continue reading till I finish at 5 am :-(. So, any suggestions on other books which would be a good read?


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