I've been reading speeches by Bill Clinton lately, and I've been watching him attack other candidates. Today, CNN has an
article covering one such appearance where Bill is attacking Obama on a number of fronts.
This sends a singular message to me. Hillary's chosen to run a negative campaign, but refuses to say anything directly negative to her opponents. She's making her husband do it.
I would think this is doubly politically unsound strategy, since it makes the message from her side of the table sound increasingly divisive, but also makes it seem as though she can't fight her own battles. If she was trying to distance herself from propping her campaign upon the success of her husband's presidency, I believe she's failed. To me, it's a tactic that says, "I can't win this without my husband's clout."
The coverage, obviously, will be skewed to cover both Clintons in this time. The cameras aren't following Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Edwards everywhere, but I also haven't seen them organize their own rallies. It could be that they are and I just haven't noticed. Even if they are, I would be surprised if they were getting away with such blatant negativity. That's always bound to get covered. A good fight is always better for the news media press than a civil conversation ;)