[OTC] Cool Hand Luke quote

May 25, 2009 21:39

[Randall is ramblinmann, Blake is likes_zeppelin. Backdated to Saturday night.]

“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.”

“This is-perfect,” she sighed, leaning back in the chair in the waiting room of the ER. “Are you really sure this isn’t broken?”

“Positive,” Noah replied, holding her swollen wrist gently in his hand. “I say, at worst, it’s a bad sprain.”

“Hurts like a bitch,” she muttered, taking her arm gently from him and cradling it in her lap.

After the party, Noah and Gina had caught word of a haunting not too far from them. It was supposed to be a relatively easy, a simple salt and burn. Every body thought it was a ghost. Turns out it wasn’t a ghost, it was a pair of zombie twins and while Noah was pinning one back into it’s coffin, the other had Anna pinned to the ground while Gina was digging up the other. She managed to fend him off for a while, but that didn’t stop him from getting a few good punches in.

Anna collapsed back against the seat softly, trying not to be as miserable about it. “The black eye, I can cover. But if my wrist is seriously fucked, how am I going to cover that?”

Noah frowned slightly. “What’s it matter?”

“What’s it matter?” Anna said, turning to give him a look. “I’ve got a boyfriend, Noah. He’s not going to like it if the next time he sees me, I’m covered in bruises and wearing a cast.”

“Say you got into a fender bender,” he shrugged. “How’s he gonna know the difference, darlin’?”

Anna pouted slightly, before shaking her head. “Because I told him. About what we do. I told him, because I needed to and I can’t keep holding onto things. So the day I tell him about hunting and things that go bump in the night, I get my ass kicked by zombies, and more to the point, I actually look like I got the shit kicked out of me.”

“I’d tell ya to lie again, but I already know ya won’t listen,” Noah sighed, before turning and looking at his wife. You take this. I need somethin’ ta drink.”

Gina gave him a look as he got up to get a cup of coffee, before inching to the next seat over and sliding an arm around her shoulders. “Look, honey, I know this is hard alright. You’ve never really dated someone who wasn’t in the business. But take it from someone who has-you did the right thing, tellin’ him, I mean. Especially before you guys got too serious. So-there you’re good to go. But here’s what I know about you, kid-you’re used to people letting you go, or leaving you behind. It’s not your fault, it’s just the cards you’ve been dealt.” She paused for a minute, before squeezing the girl’s shoulders lightly. “There’s nothin’ wrong with not wantin’ him to leave you.”

Anna’s eyes dropped down to her hands, before she spoke up again. “I love him. I don’t want him to go anywhere. But I can’t just ignore the fact that most of the people that I’ve actually told about what we do? Call me crazy and walk away.”

“I know, sweetie,” Gina replied. “But he didn’t. He said give him time. If you really love him, the least you could do is give him that.”

Anna paused for a minute, fingers on her good arm picking at the fabric on her jeans. “So what, I just wait for him to leave me?”

“No,” Gina sighed. “You take a deep breath, you give him his space, and you wait for him to make up his mind. And don’t automatically assume the worst. Just because people have left you before, doesn’t mean he will now.”

“I know,” she sighed, dropping her head to the side so that it was resting on Gina’s shoulder. “I know.”

Gina turned her head to the side and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “It’ll work out, kid. Trust me.”

Anna just nodded quietly, staying where she was for the moment. She was tired and in pain, and she just wanted to go home, but she knew she had at least a few more hours to wait out before she could actually go home. She closed her eyes starting to doze off against Gina’s shoulder when another voice over the din of the room got her attention.

“And y’all tell me I’m supposed to be careful.”

“Shut up, Blake.”

739 words

verse: randall}: livin' on a prayer, with}: noah walker, with}: blake walker, with}: gina ranghetti

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