Jul 24, 2006 21:27
oh it was a special day. I was working at the store on Manton Ave and there was this woman who was about 375 pounds she was so big she needed a motorized cart. You know how like when a forklift or equally large piece of machinery backs up it beeps ya know letting ya know to get out of the way. Well, her thing it beeps, when she backs up or accelerates or slows down or takes a corner.. Ya see where I'm going with this? Every freakin 3 seconds BEEP BEEEP BEEEP!!!!!!!!!!! THEN, her mother rides over on her cart so now there's like a herd blocking the aisle. Then, there was this guy and he was alone, pushing his cart ya know shopping and he starts like moaning and he's hitting himself in the head in a rhythmic fashion and all I can think of is the monks from Monty Python so compassionate being that I am I'm like cracking up. Oi. Then, I'm on my way home on the highway, listening to Better Than Ezra almost home, there's this guy on a Harley next to me and he passes me. He's got his shirt open and it's blowing up around his shoulders and oh the humanity there's all sweaty matted clumps of wookie fur all over his back. The poor guy. I almost hit him swerving off the road in my fits off laughter. Worked at Panera tonight. Continued my vendetta against the pepper lentil soup. That stuffs got it out for me, man. It's evil. I burned myself fairly badly on it, yet again. Parents are away meaning I'm like in charge and crap. Yeah, house is trashed and dog is already half starved. It's gonna be a long week..... later kittens.