(no subject)

Oct 18, 2010 22:07

Sweet hisanata brought me an enourmous jar of peanut butter from USA and today i saw at tumblr a picture of a SERIOUSLY CUTE chocolate cake with peanut butter. Ok, i thought, i can't move to America right now and try this cake and other cool stuff they make using peanut butter so i have to google some recipes. Having browsed some russian sites i want to say : screw all their recipes. >__> Where are my cakes?! They suggest to make even FISH with peanut butter sauce but no cakes. Boooo.

Something nice: Fringe becomes more and more amazing with each episode.♥ FUCK YEAH, Peter finally had some sex. xDDD Sadly, not with our boring Olivia (i miss her so much T__________T she was perfectly no fun, perfectly) but with Bolivia.

cap it!, links, blame je for my food obsession, je regarde la télé sur internet, random pwns the world, fringe

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