I had a great day today, almost for no reason at all. Just a good day.
I had an fun mini adventure with my madre today, we're silly peeps, I tell ya.
Anyway, despite the completely unecessary and strange nonsense I encountered right before the semester starts, I'm doing very well and not stressed about it at all like some sad little people I know. Or used to or whatever. I'm feelin good lately. And I know this'll probably be twisted but I dont really give a shit. It's up here for all to see!
I need to dye my hair again.. I've washed it twice since the pink-ness and it's lost a little pizazz. Yeah, I just fuckin' said pizazz.. what's up. Anyway, I think I'll do it tomorrow when I get home from school because it looked fucking FIERCE. It'll look even better this time.
Well anyway, here's a picture of me, it sucks because
1. It was the bathroom of a crappy ass bar (it's really not a crappy bar, I lied)
2. I'm intoxicated
3. It's on my lame old phone (but I'm upgrading über soon to a bitchin' new one <3)
You can't see how great my hair looks.. GAY! I have some on my MySpace in the sun, so it looks fabulous but it's purple, not pink. Que-ev.
Me. Drinkin and rollin the next morning to dance, exercise learn and kick ass, sea bass.
I'm a drunk and a superstar. I'm multi-talented.