(no subject)

Jun 18, 2004 17:01

-¦-As done by Lauren Finch-¦-
my answers

[ 1 ] Spell your first name backwards ? Neelloc
[ 2 ] The story behind your livejournal user name ? umm.. I think its self-explanitory
[ 3 ] Are you a lesbian/queer ? um.. hell no
[ 4 ] Where do you live ? Palm Bay
[ 5 ] 5 words that sum you up ? hard-headed,nice,pretty,sweet,.?.?

[ 1 ] Wallet ? umm darkn light blue but I never have money so dont carry it
[ 2 ] Hairbrush ? which ever one I can find
[ 3 ] Toothbrush ? PINK!
[ 4 ] Jewelry worn daily ? 3 earings and an Italian Bracelt and a braclet w. Colleen
[ 5 ] Pillow cover? umm my doggie :)
[ 6 ] Blanket ? greens and blues
[ 7 ] Coffee cup ? a clean one
[ 8 ] Sunglasses ? nope
[ 9 ] Underwear ? umm I change them daily

[ 1 ] Shoes ? Bayside Bears flip flops or Ringor Cleats
[ 2 ] Handbag? Volleyball Handbag thingie
[ 3 ] Favorite shirt ? blue w/ American flag?
[ 4 ] Cologne/Perfume ? Sweet Pea or Moon Petal Musk
[ 5 ] CD in stereo right now ? mixe
[ 6 ] Tattoos ? nope
[ 7 ] Piercings ? 2 in left ear 5 in right ear n Bellybutton
[ 8 ] What you are wearing now ? wife beater blur sports bra purple sofies(cheer shorts) and blue underwear
[ 9 ] Hair ? messy bun thing

[ 1 ] Makeup ? none but when I wear it I have eyeliner

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
[ 1 ] In my mouth? my teeth
[ 2 ] In my head? food and the tourn comin up
[ 3 ] Wishing ?for some WEdnys chicken dont ask
[ 4 ] After this ? eating or packin or both
[ 5 ] Talking to ? myself and Doyler
[ 6 ] Eating ? nothin
[ 7 ] Fetishes ? trying to get in my pants
[ 8 ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason ? um...Brittany Sigman (ugh every1 knows) Patrick Lane ( asshole) broke my heart
[ 9 ] Person you wish you could see right now ? one of the ones I would kill(patrick)

[ 1 ] Is next to you ? closet
[ 2 ] Some of your favorite movies: A league of thier own,Lottery (dont ask Lifetime)
[ 3 ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month ? softball naples?
[ 4 ] The last thing you ate ? toast

Name three bad habits you have:
1.)umm cleanin my room
2.)cracking my knuckles.

Name four scents you love:
1.) my deoderant (dont ask im wierd)
2.) sweet pea perfume
3.) Bod (smells like him)
4.) some candle dont know what it is

Name four things you'd never wear: (normally anyways)
1.) cheerleaders uniform
2.) clothes my Nanie picks out(grandmother)
3.) highwaters
4.) something w. my name like really big

Name four animals you like:
1.) my dog Hagrid
2.) horses..hmmm...
3.) turtles
4.) toads?

Name four television shows you love:
1.) Golden Girls
2.) Oprah
3.) Sex and the City
4.) Saved By the Bell

Name four bands/genres most people don't know you like:
1.) rap
2.) D12
4.) oldies

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1.) Pepsi
2.) Riptide Rush Gatorade
3.) Arizona Iced Tea
4.) iced tea

Name four random facts about yourself:
1.) I came from Jersey
2.) I play softball
3.) I was in love once
4.) I ahte Pizza hot dogs n hambergers

Name three random facts about your family:
1.) Czech
2.) difunctional
3.) My aunt voted Bush last election n almost got killed

[ x ] EVER....
1. Fallen for your Best Friend? nope
2. Been rejected? um yes.
3. Been in lust? yes
4. Used someone? once
5. Been used? hell yes
6. Cheated on someone? once
7. Been cheated on? yepp..movin on
8. Done something you regret? absolutely.

[ x ] LAST THING.....
11. You touched? my dog
12. You talked to? Amanda DOyle
13. You hugged? Maddie I think?
14. You instant messaged? Doyle
15. You yelled at? my mother
16. You laughed with? my mom
17. You had a crush on? Adam
18. Who broke your heart? Patrick

[ x ] DO YOU...
19. Colour your hair? SUn In
20. Have tattoos? ? nope
21 Piercings ? yes
22. Own a web cam? no
23. Have aol? yes
24. What should you be doing right now? kitchen
25. What are you listening to? Kenny Chesney back where I come from
26. Can you do anything freakish with your body? no
27. Chicken or fish? chicken.
28 Do you have a favorite animal? Hagrid
29 Is ice cream the best thing in the world?no my self respect

1. What would your dream date be? satyin home
2. Single flower or a dozen? single
3. Silver, gold or platinum? silver
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? home
5. Roses or wild flowers? wild flowers
6. Silly or serious romance? serious w. occasional silly
7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? idk who they are
8. Do you consider yourself a romantic ? yes
9. Shy? when first meetin yes
10. Boring ? sometimes when Im with boring people
12. The Lovey Dovey type? yea

What have you done TODAY?
Laughed? yes
Helped someone? yes..?
Dissected something? no..ew
Drank ? yes but not alcholic
Kissed someone? my dog
Missed someone? not until I read that Q
Told someone you love them? yes
Met someone new? no

Q. Who is your favourite Spice Girl? baby
Q. Favourite Disney Characters? POOH!!!
Q. Favourite fast food? Wedny Chicken
Q. Favourite book? COunt of Monte Cristo
Q. Favourite Sports teams? Phila Eagles
Q. Favourite song? Sara Evan Suds int he bucket
Q. What room is your computer in? mine
Q. What is your shoe size? 8
Q. What will you be when you grow up? pediatriton
Q. What are you doing right now? gettin ready to drink

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