i had a dream last two days... we were visiting my aunt's new house... i was shocked when i saw it... it was shaped like an upside-down pyramid with a glass cube on top... how logic-defying right? the house is actually the see through glass cube... we had to take the winding stairs around the inverted pyramid to reach her house... it was mind blowing the designs i saw inside... there was physically no straight lines... all furniture was shaped by curves... and the seemed to move as we move around in the house... the house was surrounded by normal looking apartment flats... which was weird... its as if the house is like an exhibit of sorts... and even weirder... when we tried to leave the house... this unending torrent of icy wind preventing us from going outside although its bright and sunny... and i was at the door... pushing myself against the wind... and through my half-closed eyes i saw the Devil... or what i thought was the Devil... passing and hiding outside the door... and he did it a lot of times... and i tried to read the Istiazah to repel him but i cant mouth the words... i felt like i was pressed between two large boulders... and was forced to throw myself against them again and again... i was confused and breathless and tired... i felt like i was drowning while standing on firm ground... just before i passed out... the Devil passed by again and i could almost see... then i woke up in sweat... still breathless and aching... immobile and weak... my lips still trying to mouth the Istiazah... and the room icy cold... scary right?