So I'm an awful fandom participant. Last night I had this big 'relationships in shows' rant typed up with some observations about what I see people criticizing about fictional relationships and how unhealthy they are. Which got me to thinking about real relationships how none of them are healthy or are very problematic in the same ways. It was all very clear in my head last night, but then the partner in my relationship demanded I put the computer down and do his laundry/pay attention to him :/. So it will be happening someday.
Main though however, is that characters with flaws are a good thing. Repeat after me: GOOD THING. No character is perfect, and if they are there are major problems tbh. I would not want to watch a show with perfect characters.
So before I launch on my big long thought out meta rant at an unknown future date, I'll end with my own mini rant which is Vampire Diaries related and under the cut. There are SPOILERS for the episode from 4/19/12 which is either 3x19 or 3x20.
Leave Elena alone. My god she's 18, no one has figured out their future at 18. Neither of the vampires in her life is a good person. She's not a horrible person because she is attracted to people(vampires) who have done less than stellar things. Elena has done less than stellar things. I just...ugh.
Personally, I do ship Damon/Elena, which is not to say that I think they have a model relationship. I just find there's the most interesting. So yes, I very much want the writers to go there. Thank you writers for giving me shirtless Damon tonight. I'm optimistically hopeful about where the whole Damon/Elena relationship goes from here. Of course, the preview for next week does squash that by alot, but whatevs. I'm living in my happy place for tonight. And tonight my ship got screen time.
I knew there were strong Elena feelings in the fandom, she doesn't seem to have many people who feel meh about her. It seems to be a lot of love or hate. The haters think she's a selfish slut who can't chose (and she should of course chose the guy they want her to Stefan, Damon, Klaus, Elijah), and the lovers seem to think she's an angel who's saving all the men on the show through the power of her magical doe eyes. This show has only ever shown her to sleep with Stefan, so it just boggles the mind that she can be called a slut. Meanwhile, Damon who is per the writers *in love* with Elena has had Andie, and Rose and, and not a slut. He's a vampire, and he wouldn't be sleeping around if it weren't for that Elena girl. Sometimes fandom is problematic.
I'm sure you can kind of get where I'm going with this, to be expounded on at a later date.
As an update on the River situation: she's staying for now. My husband, who does not even like this dog, refuses to get rid of her. Because she is deathly afraid of thunderstorms and tore up the second bedroom for the dogs he bought an outdoor dog pen, and now wants to keep her outside during the storms. I am skeptical. I am deeply, deeply skeptical that this will work and not end in blood/tears. That's the way things are for now.