Sep 12, 2010 21:35
It's so crazy. I feel like I have no time anymore. I have breakdowns on a semi-regular basis which make me feel stupid and stress me out more. Anyway, all that aside I'm still alive and aside from being insanely busy am relatively happy.
Some people might wonder what a ninj day looks like so to illustrate have my schedule. I'm actually doing this for school purposes as I have to experiment with changing my schedule and routine for my next class.
5:30 AM Pry self from bed.
5:40-6:20 AM Let dogs out, bring them in and feed them. Put them back out because I am not a morning person and I do not want to deal with their happiness. Eat yogurt cup try to read a little. Get dressed
6:20-7:30 stop for Starbucks drive one hour to work. Witness frequent car accidents.
7:30-5:00PM Work-enough said
5:00-6:30 drive home. This should only take an hour, but due to traffic the drive home takes longer
6:30 get home change. Feed dogs.
6:45-7:30/8:00 Take River to dog park. Must do this as regularly as possible for both our sakes. this got moved up due to lack of daylight
8:00 onward-try to do homework/spend time with husband (Mondays and Tuesdays) or do anything relaxing until 10:30 which is bedtime for optimum functioning.
Starting this week I will be working OT on my Fridays and Saturdays off. Woot. Well, Saturdays I'm not in school anyway.
Finished my third graduate class. Only 11 more to go. Yikes. Most of the class for some reason Business Law was their last class. They were thrilled. I have a year left to go.
Work is busy-but good.
Dogs have eaten sprinkler control valves twice.They are costing me money and stress hand over fist. I asked Chris if we could get rid of one and got yelled at.
My earliest vacation date is New Years when I will be going to visit my parents at their new home in TX.
I miss Wisconsin.