Title Red Sky At Night
Author hisui_ryoshi
Rating general hints of jack/ianto
Summary Horizons Sing Challenge Day One. Spoilers through S2 of TW and DW The Stolen Earth. Summer Afternoons before and after.
"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon;
to me those have always been the two most
beautiful words in the English language."
- Henry James
Ianto Jones had always loved summer as a small boy, especially summer in the country. That was of course before he knew what small country towns could harbor and before the disaster that was aliens and Torchwood. Summer afternoons spent by the local pond lazing about in the sunlight with a good book and cup of coffee had continued to make his most content through university.
However, it was at university that summer days took on a new meaning. Instead of spending solitary time by himself Ianto began to spread out into more social activities, such as spending the afternoon at the local pub with his mates. This morphed into the tradition of his later life that would continue into Torchwood and Lisa.
Ianto reflected fondly upon his time with Lisa remembering the picnics in the park, and the days spent wandering around London. Those lazy summer afternoon walks around Canary Wharf had been pleasant and sometimes humorous as Ianto and Lisa spent time contemplating how easily aliens could destroy various parts of London or perhaps already had. This was of course in addition to highly thought out rescue plans. These thoughts soon turned bitter as Ianto contemplated just where summer afternoons went so wrong.
Torchwood. While Ianto would no longer claim that no good came out of an agency he would give his life for, Torchwood did have the remarkable ability to ruin previously pleasant memories. As Ianto cast a glance at the CCTV in hub to check on Jack and Gwen he reflected that it had been a particularly hot summer afternoon when Jack had left them for the Doctor. Ianto had assumed this was the end of his world. However, Jack had come back to him, and even through this latest loss which had also been on a summer afternoon, Jack had been there.
Indeed with a sudden steely determination Ianto Jones decided he was going to get Jack out of the Hub and out into this summer afternoon and start making new memories. However, before Ianto was able to set his desired goal into motion alarms in the Hub went off. Ianto watched as Jack and Gwen geared up in order to go retrieve a Weevil, the first sighting since the last summer disaster. By the time they returned somewhat bruised but yet successful the moment had passed in a wash of red tinted sky as the sun slowly faded into darkness.
Ianto Jones never got the chance to meet his resolve to create new memories of summer afternoons spent with Jack. The next day the Daleks stole Earth.