Apr 27, 2013 05:42
I'm somewhat ashamed that I haven't written in so long. I've thought about it, and logged on to the site...but alas nothing came.
The first thing that comes to mind is that in general, I am in a much better place than I was the last time I updated. I am still working on controlling my vices and working towards the life that I want, and despite the numerous setbacks created by bad decisions, I am still making progress. I guess you can say I've made peace with my youth and although I don't want to make mistakes, I'm still obviously going to make them. How the fuck else am I going to learn.
NEW JOB! Well, not so new anymore but it's been four months. I, Nikalas Maciejewski, am a server and a sports bar/pizza joint. The last place I ever thought I would work at, and I wouldn't mind sticking it out for a few years to make it the last restaurant I work at, at least for some time. My boss is a big softie greek bossy boo and my coworkers have pretty much changed my life. Seth is insane, and I don't know if he will be in my life for the long term but our conversations have definitely pushed my mental boundaries and I have a respect for him I don't have with many other people. It's also nice to have a meaningful relationship with a straight guy who isn't related to me. I wonder if I was heterophobic before I started working at Golden Crust... Eva is a bright shining soul in my life even though serving with her drives me insane. She is a walking testament to the fact that karma is real, and is just so genuine that being around her keeps me in check. She is also one bad ass bitch.
STILL SINGLE, AND ACTUALLY PROUD OF IT. Yes, horny as fuck. Yes, somewhat lonely but also not. I know a good man will show up in life, one that I can actually settle down with, and it's only going to happen when I am ready for it and when I least expect it. One foot in front of the other, day by day, learn as you go blah blah blah it's all true and I hate to say that but it's been one hell of a lesson for me. Yeah, seriously horny as fuck though. I can't believe I haven't even hooked up with anyone on craigslist or anything. YAY PROGRESS. I NEED A FUCK BUDDY.
And, I'm out of things to write about at the moment, but yes. Things are good. Growing up is strange but in the end the ones that love you tend to stay by your side if you arent a huge fucking asshole who doesn't apologize when they fuck up.
Bring it on, 30. I almost can't wait.