Bodes well, dunnit?

Dec 18, 2007 01:27

Bodes well, dunnit?

Almost time to go is a song by Jason Webley, which I have an artist date (Fickle Feather a.k.a., between Maia and I, The Solicitor). At around 4PM, 17Dec2007, I've set this artist's date in Japan and casted Shirota Yuu as Gyn's lover. At around 1AM, the next day, I learn that Jason Webley is a busker from Seattle who has traveled all across the world. His music is a combination of folk, gypsy, and punk. Shirota was on a show called D-Boys, wherein the cast perform tasks and challenges.
One of challenges Shirota got was to busk in a park back in Japan.
I came to know Jason Webley from Neil Gaiman's blog. Neil wrote the amazing graphic novel, Mr. Punch (which, Dave McKean illustratedohmigod!) which is also about busking.

neil gaiman, dave mckean, busking, busker, mr. punch, james webley, fickle feather, the solicitor, yuu shirota, bodes well, jameswebley, shirota yuu

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