Jul 27, 2004 11:23
yeah well this week has blown... major blowage. all i've been doing is wheeling. first night me, Lisa <3 Mike, Diana <3 Kevin, on Kevin's couch, making out or cuddling, whatever, then me... sitting on the floor, watching MXC. awesome. second night, went to the movies with Lisa <3 Mike, Joe <3 Jen, and Ryan <3 Brittany ro see I, Robot (horrible) and then me, sitting there, looking around the theater. awesome. then next night, Lisa <3 Mike, Kevin <3 Diana at Mike's house watching the Secret Window. i was sitting on the other couch, but it wasnt that bad because all the couples were mad at eachother or something like that. then the following night, Lisa <3 Mike, Diana <3 Kevin again. went to the boardwalk, and of course they're all holding hands or hugging and then theres me, standing there, feeling like a moron, i was sort of a bitch the past nights, but i dont wanna ruin anyone's time (seriously). but even though i only hung out with Lisa yesterday... it sucked! Lisa and i went to the beach, no hot guys! :( then we went to the DMV to get Lisa's car reinspected because it sucks, haha and then we came back, took showers then watched possibly the worst movie ever The Hulk, about an 1/2 hour into it me and Lisa were both sleeping. i woke up at the PERFECT timming to walk out and see Chris <3 standing outside the door, talked for a few, i'd give anything to forgive him, but we'll see what happens.