NAME: Brandon
AIM: suchaheartleads
WIKI NAME: N/A right now
CHARACTER NAME: Stefan Salvatore
FANDOM: The Vampire Diaries
CANON: 2.7 Masquerade after Katherine is entombed, Elena tells him nothing has changed and that they can’t renew their relationship.
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Which brings me to one of the obstacles in general for Stefan: Damon. Damon is his older brother but sometimes, it feels like Stefan is raising him - or at least is the older one. He loves his brother and he always will, whether he’s returning from the war as a Confederate soldier or snapping a girl’s neck. Damon blames him for Katherine's 'death' and he can't help that. He doesn't trust his brother and as I’ve said before, he fears what he’s capable of. Their relationship is borderline abusive from Damon's side. Before the series, he's checked in every ten years or so and made Stefan's life a living hell. Damon is a lit fuse ready to explode. At this point in the series, Stefan doesn’t trust Damon with Elena, either. Damon is in love with his girlfriend. He knows this but he also knows Damon will go to any lengths to protect her. Unlike Damon, Stefan is content with living - as hard as that may be - and attempting to live a normal life.
He’s shown at the beginning of the series writing in a journal. Stefan says in the "Pilot" that if he doesn’t write memories down, he forgets them, that memories are important. Damon describes his journal as Emerson with a lot of adjectives. A part of Stefan is always searching and a part of that is his intellectual curiosity. He reads and views films and enjoys it. He studies for fun. He studies to gain knowledge and he is able to retain a wealth of information. According to Damon, Stefan went Ivy League, enrolling in Harvard.
He’s extremely observant, keeping an eye - and ear - on his surroundings at all times. In the second season, he admits to Caroline that he easily saw through her distraction at the Mystic Grill. He makes friends more easily than Damon and he is very loyal. But, because of his nature there’s a side that will always sleep with one eye open. A part of Stefan expects things to fall through, for his life to blow up in his face. Part of that is Damon's fault and part of that is what he has become. Some days he wonders if he deserves to be accepted and loved. If he could bring back every one he killed or if he could undo it - he would.
Despite this all, he isn't the wet rag he's being portrayed as here. He has a sense of humor and finds it easy to mock people in general. He views every day he's alive as a gift. Unlike his brother, he has embraced his future and lives life to the fullest. He loves pop culture and history and finds them both fascinating. He loves football, watching and playing. It brings back good memories. He's an extremely romantic person. When he wants to be, he can be very welcoming. He also has a mischievous Damon side to him because he's still a teenager. He likes to have fun unlike what Katherine claims. He knows how to have a good time. Both, Lexi, his best friend as a vampire, and Elena bring out the fun side of him.
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