No Supernatural reruns?

Jan 05, 2008 12:53

We found out that the last fresh episode of Supernatural will air sometime in mid-February. After it airs, the CW is putting Supernatural on hold and airing reruns of Reaper in its place.

Now, don't get me wrong--I like Reaper. But I don't like it that much to let it take Supernatural's place without screaming about it.

Contrary to some panicked forums I've read, Supernatural is not being cancelled. But, Dawn O. has said that she doesn't understand Supernatural (clearly, if the addition of Bela is any indication). So, cancellation is a real possibility.

If that makes any sense.

But we can keep Supernatural out of the grave. Heck, some of you saved Jericho. We can save Supernatural!

From Brighette's LJ page:

It's time to start sending rock salt, kosher salt, morton salt, any kind of salt you want; it should be sent directly to Dawn Ostroff at the address listed above.

There should be an accompanying notice to the woman stating that once the final fresh ep of Supernatural has been aired; and until such a time as repeats of Supernatural's episodes are ALLOWED to air in their NORMAL time slot... that on Thursdays from 7 pm on that NO SUPERNATURAL fan will turn on the CW for ANY reason. Not Smallville, Not Reaper, Not anything... if it's NOT Supernatural.

call it a one day a week Viewer's strike. (Hell personally I'd suggest boycotting the whole station in perpetuity if they won't let Supernatural re-air eps, or if they won't renew it)

Additionally you can send feedback direct to the CW on

Taken directly from Vixs post at SFTCOL(AR)S. Also - 'If you go to this page

The second address is for Warner Bros. which owns CW. Apparently the WB execs were instrumental in SN getting a new season when Dawn O wanted it cancelled. (The WB apparently makes a good bit of money off of SN DVD sales.)

There is a link there for WB customer service. Follow the instructions given on the savesupernatural page--"under the "THIS IS REGARDING" field select the "QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS REGARDING THE CW NETWORK OR ITS SHOWS" option"

Since we would like the WB to help us I would suggest making the messages polite and well thought out. Remember that the CW's announced schedule does not mean SN is completely cancelled, and the fact that the new SN episodes are being saved for 'sweeps' is a good thing...but this whole thing has me very very nervous. '

The Supernatural Fandom has proven to be a dedicated and passionate community...raise your voice and be heard! Sign this petition if you want The CW to air SUPERNATURAL repeats instead of The Reaper so that our show remains accessible to new viewers!

To sign the petition, visit


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