Fandom promo: Black Sails

Sep 24, 2016 16:50

For the "Fandom History 101" challenge; 3/5 Black Sails

Title: Black Sails
Format: TV Show
Era/Location: 1700's
Brief Summary: 2 decades before Treasure Island, Nassau is a haven for pirates and as the series begins two crews compete for treasure, the location to which a young John Silver holds the key.
Why you like it/would recommend it: I'll be honest, I was sceptical at first about the inclusion of fictional John Silver with real-life pirates like Charles Vane and Anne Bonney. The first season however gave us not only plenty of sea-faring action - with drama, humour, romance and more - but other storylines such as Eleanor Guthrie trying to make her mark as "ruler" of Nassau, Jack Rackham and Anne Bonney ending up owning the brothel, and the introduction of Flint's mysterious friend Miranda. The second season however really pulled out the stops and made me love Silver and the Silver/Flint interaction, and the reveal of Miranda's backstory was beautifully done, as was Max's transformation from prostitute to savvy brothel madam with a stake in finding the treasure. There are plenty of male and female characters, bi/gay characters and relationships, and hints of polyamory. There's some great sets and costumes and some lovely - real, not wigs! - hair :) The cast is good, largely Australian and British, and fans of "Merlin" will recognise Tom Hopper, here playing Billy Bones. This article 6 reasons you should be watching Black Sails echoes my sentiments about the depth of s2 and Silver's development and praises Luke Arnold for his performance as Silver.

f: black sails, !promo

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