Stories of the day!

Nov 03, 2010 22:27

I'm totally addicted to fanfiction, so is my new posting sessions of some great fics I've read and currently reading:

I'm currently going through a Sarek and Amanda phase.  I totally love this couple and I was really angry that J.J. Abrams killed her off in his movie along with the rest of Vulcan.

Title: Disgrace and Honor,
Author: Jamille Shane, TV show: Star Trek TOS, Rating: M, Genre: Drama/Romance, Pairing: Sarek/Amanda with various OCs, Mirror Universe:

I really like this fic, because it shows that even sane people can live in an insane universe. Jamille Shane does a good job at showing what a Mirror Universe planet Vulcan would look like and its political relationship with Earth.  The story starts with Amanda being convicted of a crime on earth and banished to Vulcan to become a slave along with a few of her accomplices. Sarek and Amanda are written as two honest people trying to survive and protect their friends from a world that is run on fear.  They are a beautiful couple andt I couldn't help but fall in love with the storylines of the OCs.

Another vice that I can't stay away from is the new Sherlock TV show that the BBC is doing.  I finally found a Sherlock/OC female character story that is a good read.

Title: The Laws of Family,
Author: KittyKatZorse, TV show: Sherlock, Rating: T, Genre: Romance/Suspense, Pairing: Sherlock/OC female:

This is part 3 of a series of stories about Sherlock and his relationship with his lawyer, OC character, named Rebecca.  
The other 2 stories:
The Laws of Familiarity:
The Laws of Love, Life and Friendship:

This ongoing series follows Sherlock's progression of establishing an emotional and physical relationship with a woman.  KittyKatZorse does a good job with the banter between Sherlock and Rebecca and having John Watson being stuck between them.  It's a cute and sweet story and it's definitely worth checking out.  The only comment I have is that the villains come off as being more annoying than being dark.  

stories of the day!

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