Белые буддисты

Jul 15, 2019 03:40

Покойный Redshon велел Мошиаху обнародовать важное для славян. К сожалению из-за разгула антисемитизма и геефобии Мошиах не рискует делать это на русском языке. За него в РФ ныне плохие, подлые, гадкие евреи и геи, отвергшие своего Мошиаха, устроили гонения и репрессии. Потому Величественный рав Сруль делает это на мове англосаксов.

From the concept of Kalachakra to Kalashnikov

Grandiose historical events always leave a mark in the speech of the people that they touch.
In 53 BC thousands of Roman legionaries were captured by the Parthians. They were sent to Margiana, present-day Turkmenistan. The defeat of Marcus Licinius Crassus's army led to the emergence of the term and word margo (border, edge) in the Latin speech of the Roman people.
After World War II, the word Schmeisser (шмайсер) appeared in the speech of the Soviet people. The events of the Cold War enriched almost all languages of the world with the word kalashnikov (Калашников).
The war against Europe in the fifth century led by the Huns of Attila is no exception.
The Huns were a military Alliance of men who came from Central Asia in the II-IV centuries.
Attila - the leader of the Huns from 434 to 453 AD under his rule united the tribes from the Rhine river to China.
The European center for settlement of the Huns was in Pannonia (Hungary), where the Ugrian-Hungarians later settled.
The co-ruler of the Huns and brother of Attila held the names Buda, Beda and Bleda of which Buda was given to the city of modern-day Budapest (the capital of Hungary).
Since the time of the kings Ashoka and Kanishka, Central Asia has been dominated by a state ideology based on the Buddhas doctrines.
The presence of thousands of Buddhists among Attila's warriors is undeniable.
One of the main concepts of Buddha's doctrine - The Kalachakra (Sanskrit: कालचक्र, «Wheel of Time») - is described in Lamaism and Tibetan Buddhism.
The memory of the spread of Kalachakra's concept is evident in the languages of the people who participated in Attila’s wars.
The idea of Kalachakra was preserved in the words калач, калаш [kalach, kalash])1, калка [kalka] (калить [kalit’], «heating»), and карачун [karachun].2
Karachun - is a common Turkic word understood as kara («black») + chun («soul or ghost») - black (dark) spirit.
Hungarian (Finno-Ugric language) Karácsony - «Yuletide», «Christmas».
Karachun - common Slavic word with the main meaning of «Death» and «Yuletide, Christmas»:
Belarusian, Malorussian - Karačun (Карачун);
Old Russian - Koročunŭ (Корочунъ);
Russian - Koročun (Корочун) or Karačun (Карачун);
Bulgarian - Kračon (Крачон) or Kračunek (Крачунек);
Macedonian - Kračun (Крачун);
Ruthenian - K(e)rečun (К(е)речун) or G(e)rečun (Ґ(е)речун);
Serbian - Kračun (Крачун);
Slovak - Kračún;
Romanian (Romanic language) - Crăciun.
Until the XVIII century, the Russian folk-tales character of Slavic mythology Koschei3 was usually called Karachun.
Before the disintegration of the Slavic language into dialects in the IV-VII centuries, the Slavic speaking people’s familiarity with the Buddha’s doctrine is difficult to dispute.
There is another important common Slavic word that reminds of Buddha - Bhaga-Бог [Bog] («Donator, God»), which was among the titles possessed by Ashoka, Kanishka and Buddhas. This word remains in the languages of Slavs to refer to the Lord-Creator.4
The first Gothic historian Jordan in his VI century's work «De origine actibusque Getarum» («The Origin and Deeds of the Getae/Goths») reports about the Slavic Boz's (Rex Antorum) murder by the Goths in 375 AD:
«He5 rivalled the valor of his grandfather Vultuulf, although he had not the good fortune of Hermanaric. But disliking to remain under the rule of the Huns, he withdrew a little from them and strove to show his courage by moving his forces against the country of the Antes. When he attacked them, he was beaten in the first encounter. Thereafter he did valiantly and, as a terrible example, crucified their king, named Boz, together with his sons and seventy nobles, and left their bodies hanging there to double the fear of those who had surrendered» (translation by Charles C. Mierow).6
P. Scardigli in his work «Die Goten: Sprache und Kultur» shows that the word «Goth» (Russian гад [gad]) in those days was not a designation of a tribe, but of the heroes, condottieri, and mercenaries in Europe.
The Slavs called the Attila's mercenaries who fought with them немцы ([nemtsi], немые - dumb, speechless). This was because the mercenaries were from different tribes and did not speak the Slavic language. The Nemtsi became the progenitors of the modern speakers of Germanic languages.
Following the works of G. Vernadsky, P. Scardigli made a conclusion that the penetration of Buddhists in Dacia (Romania) happened at the end of the II century, and not at the beginning of the III century. The basis for the conclusion - the inscription found in the Buddhist crypt near Pune mid-II century. The inscription also mentions Gata, perhaps in reference to Goths.
After the killing of Boz (Buddha), angels-disciples and archangels-teachers in 375 A. D. by the Goths, there was no one left to explain the complex concept of Kalachakra in Europe. Nemtsi, in particular Goths, from the army of Attila in their own way comprehended Kalachakra and enriched a number of Slavic languages with its new meaning - heart.
In Deutsch (Germanic language) Heart is Herz, in Spanish (Romanic language) - Corazón, in Russian (Slavic language) - Cердце [Serdče].
Horsa - the name of the legendary first Anglo-Saxon King in Britannia, died in 455 A. D.
Eastern Slavs called the god of the young sun after Yuletide (Christmas) - Xors (Хорс, Horse, Horos, C(H)arse).
The Kālacakra Tantra (Sanskrit: कालचक्र तन्त्र, «Wheel of Time Tantra») in Tibetan tradition is considered to be the pinnacle of Mahāyāna’s Vajra-yāna.
Vajradhatu Temple at Karchung was founded in Tibet VIII century (sKar chung rgya sde lha khang). Tibetian «sKar chung» means little star.
The self-name of the Slavs - славяне (slavyani), as the word Mahā-yāna, is deconstructed into two roots and is understandable in Latin as: Salvus Janus, salv-jani, slavyani.
After the campaigns of Attila, Buddhist traditions of the Slavs slowly faded.
Although, the author of the national 12-volume «History of the Russian State» in XVIII century N. M. Karamzin mentions the Northern Dalai Lama, who ruled Lithuania, Prussia, Courland and Lethlandia until the introduction of Christian fables in the end of the XI century.
Before the murder of Bog (Buddha) in 375 AD the Slavs were Buddhists. After this event, began the division of the Slavs.
There is unknowable necessity of the history: half a thousand years after the death of Slavs' living Buddha, the name Kalachakra began to designate the most deadly weapon on Earth - kalashnikov rifle.

1. M. Fasmer raises to the source *kolo (wheeĺ).

2. The non-distinction of sounds [r] and [l] is noted in early Sanskrit, Finno-Ugric and Chinese.

3. Koschei (Russian: Коще́й, tr. Koshchey), often given the epithet «the Immortal», or «the Deathless» (Russian: Коще́й Бессме́ртный), is an archetypal male antagonist.

4. Compare to Polish Bóg (Pan, panowie), bóstwo, bożek.

5. According to Jordanes Vinitharius (The Winner of the Aria) became the new king of the Greuthungi after the death of Ermanaric (Hermanaric). Ammianus Marcellinus reports that Ermanaric was succeeded by Vithimiris (Gotsk. Wiþimir, Widumers - Famous in woodland).

6. Iordan. De origine actibusque Getarum. XLVIII. 247: Qui avi Vultulfi virtute imitatus, quamvis Hermanarici felicitate inferior, tamen aegre ferens Hunnorum imperio subiacere, paululum se subtrahens ab illis suaque dum nititur ostendere virtute, in Antorum fines movit procinctum, eosque dum adgreditur prima congressione superatus, deinde fortiter egit regemque eorum Boz nomine cum filiis suis et lxx primatibus in exemplum terroris adfixit, ut dediticiis metum cadavera pendentium geminarent.

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Otto J. The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1973.
Scardigli P. Die Goten: Sprache und Kultur. Munich, 1973.
Strong J. S. The Legend of King Aśoka: A Study and Translation of the Aśokāvadāna. Delhi, 2002.
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Голос Божа.
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