Siren's Pull Strawhat Crew Post!

May 02, 2025 14:00

We all have crazy odd hours from each other, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a post where we can all communicate with each other. So, here's the plan:

Everyone in the crew should stalkerpin this post. (I'm afraid I don't know how to make the spiffy image come up, but you all know what I mean.) After pinning it, make sure you set it up to notify you whenever someone makes a new comment to this entry. That way, we all get a spiffy little LJ notif in our inboxes, letting us know that someone on the crew has an idea or question and wishes to discuss. It's a great way for us Strawhats to keep ourselves coherent and functioning as a group.

Also, this is a good place to list important information that the whole crew is likely to know. Usernames for one thing. Character schedules for another. This way we can keep track of who we are, where we are, and come up with epically awesome plots! We can also use this entry to post AIM contact info and stuff like that if y'all want to. I know, I know, there's the official game entry for that too. But really, this post is a lot smaller so we could get to the info faster.

ALSO! And of super utmost importance! We really don't want to necessarily just cordon ourselves off and only play with each other. Plot ideas that involve other characters are totally welcome! Make plot posts in the ooc comms and link us up to them! We want to be involved in the game, and we want each other to be involved in the game, right? What better way to help each other stay active and informed than by sending notices that we'll get in our inboxes? (At least, I know it helps me...)

This entry will be under constant construction, as relevant information changes. Keep me up to date, and I'll keep you up to date! ^_^

Player Information
Luffy- [not currently played]
Nami- namiwashere~ Tori
Zoro- pokerfacemarimo~ Shi
Usopp- snipingliar~ Takato
Sanji notadartboard~ Cap
Chopper [not currently played]
Robin [not currently played]
Franky [not currently played]
Brooke tapdancinskelly~ Moose

Character Information

Current Residence: Brooke's Musical Emporium and Cafe in Sector 3. The first floor looks something like this. The Strawhats have their own private dining table in the kitchen itself. The 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms, a study, a bathroom, the hallway looks down onto the 1st floor of the store, and there's an attic that doesn't really have much of a design.

Nami- Waitress at Club 24, Something vague and shady at the Queen's Throne, in the Underground. <3
Zoro- Emporium worker
Usopp- Emporium worker
Sanji- Working in the Cafe, for now
Brooke- Owns the Emporium and Cafe

ALSO OF NOTE! Those who work in the Emporium:
Allen Walker payingthepiper - Clerk
Sunako horror_otaku - Waitress/ Cafe Help
Rikku sodisasterrific - Music Help [Also lives at the Emporium with the Strawhats!]

!crew post

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