The Copenhagen Summit

Jan 02, 2010 17:53

This is something I wrote on the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference summarizing what happened during these talks. It was quite a disappointing topic.

EXCERPT:    In my opinion, the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference was a failure. I’m not the only one who thinks so, the very people involved have said so themselves. From what I’ve heard on the news, nothing concrete was accomplished during this year’s talks, which is a shame since these meetings only do come once a year.

So what exactly did happen during those talks, and why did they fail? I decided to find out by searching the Internet about what went on during these talks. What I found out made me feel even more disappointed than I was before.

More HERE!

Required Disclaimer: This is my work, please do not copy without editing.

cross-posted to fanearth, a small community dedicated to building awareness for Mother Nature.

Any opinions on the Copenhagen Summit?

discussions, modern history

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