Mid-Winter Feast Thanks

Jan 19, 2009 12:31

This is a cross-posting of my many thanks to the people who helped make this year's Mid Winetr Feast a success.

Thank you to Laura and Lee for your outstanding hospitality, even at midnight when Geoff, Russ, and U arrived tired and cranky after a long, slow drive, for fresh coffee, weather reports and for always treating all of the members of Prophecy as members of your family.

Thank you to Harald for making Sigrun's Bane an epic and larger than life foe, and for continuing to provide the best home any LARP could ever hope to have!

Thank you Inge for the wonderful, wonderful food.  The meatballs were divine, and dinner was a feast worthy of the Horse Lord himself!

Geoff, my unending thanks for taking all of the crazy ideas and writing them up into plots that made sense and fit together into a tight cohesive story.  You always say that you worry that you haven't done enough, I'm not sure how you could possibly do more.

Deva, thanks to you for all of the crazy contest suggestions, for Sigrun's Bane, for organizing the trivia questions and the awards, and for always, always lending your support and excellent story-telling skills.

Russ, Thank you for sharing the drive, for making sure I sleep, and eat and yelling at me when I don't, and for being willing to take on the gargantuan task of mixing all of the songs of P2 and working to make them ready for all to share this spring.

John, I am certain I am not alone in thanking you for keeping Prophecy alive, for continuing to support the dream, for indulging all of my ridiculous ideas, for the friendship and love you give, and for being the best game-owner I know.

Roy, Charles, Dave and Liz Minor, and Mike Sal  Thank you for braving the ridiculous cold and coming early on Saturday for helping with set up.  I cannot belive how quickly and smoothly we were able to get everything set.

Bob F. Thanks to you for playing Keld and for establishing an exciting tone  for the halls of Daramore that was exactly what I envisioned and yet unable to adequatley verbalize.  Thank you also for your continuing support and guidance, friendship and humor, and for somehow always knowing the exactly right thing to say.

Carl, Becky, Kath, and Susan, and anyone who I may be forgetting, thank you for the loan of the excellent props, the tapestries, furs, candels, and horns that helped turn teh tavern into Daramore's Halls.

To the incredible, energetic, creative, crazy, willing to do anything, play any part, run any bizzare challenge, memorize stories at the last minute, define and instruct brand new skills cast: thank you a bagillion times over!

Dale, Maria, Charles, John M, new Dave, and Rourkie, thank you for joining our cast, and for playing characters new and old with flair and energy.  Welcome and thanks!

Dave and Liz M, Becky, John B, Geoff, Russ, Bob and Deva F, and Roy, thank you as always for the flexibility, creativity and teamwork that makes a cast great!

Thanks to the people who got up early and trudged thrrough the snow to bring all of the totes back to the stables, thank you Deva, Angelica, and everyone else who was up and working in the tavern while the rest of us slept!  I wish I could thank you all by name, but many of you departed before I made it down the hill.

Thanks to Chris, Rourkie, Troy, Bob, Deva, Russ, Geoff, and John for staying to the end to conclude the clean-up, moving furniture, sweeping, vaccuuming, and countless trips to the stables and cars in the snow.

Thanks to Russ, Bob and Troy for joining me in a exciting game of how many LARPers does it take to get a van up a slippery, snow covered incline.

To wonderful players, new and old, this game would be nothing without you.  Thank you for continuing to support our epic journey, bring new players, and contribute to the richness of the world Arden inhabits, without you this game would not exist.

Thanks to John M, Charles and Liz M, Jenny and Troy, Dale and Maria, and Drew and Dave W, for eagerly stepping in and agreeing to take on the daunting task of writing, organizing, and leading the off-year games.  I cannot wait to see what your floon unleashes!

To Shelly, our silent supporter behind the scenes, it is always a pleasure to see you.  Thank you for the best compliment anyone could confir on a friend, thet title of aunt :)

I'm sure there are people who were vital to making this MWF my most enjoyable event ever that I have forgotten here, and for that I apologize.  Prophecy is so very special to me, the sense of community, family, friendship, and joy that it brings me are somthing I wish I could capture in a bottle and keep forever.

Thank you,

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