Title: True Heart of Wexford
mella68Fandom: Merlin
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count: 21,000
Warnings: War, violence, mention of off-scene massacres, sex while feverish with pre-established partner.
Summary: Wexford, 1798, Merlin is the Catholic groundskeeper on the manor belonging to Anglo-Irish aristocrat Arthur Pendragon, scion of a generation of absentee lords. While Merlin's day job entails looking after Arthur's property, he's also involved with the United Irishmen, whose object is to unite the people of Ireland against the English. Political upheaval is about to plunge the country into turmoil. In the midst of all this stands Arthur Pendragon, who's become Merlin's staunch friend in spite of everything that divides them: faith, class, position, and obligation.
Link to art:
Art for Rotrude's Historical BBLink to fic:
True Heart of WexfordNotes: this was kindly beta's by the lovely
argentsleeper. With many thanks to
oflittleuse for the historical consult on the ending. Many thanks to
mella68 for the lovely, period evoking art.